Chapter 10

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Instead of heading back to class Carter headed for the front doors. She busted out of the school without a teacher insight. Soon after her chest started to tighten and it felt as if her ankles didn't want to hold her body up any longer; she looked around in a panic and started to speed walk to the side of the school. Once she felt as though she was out of sight she took off her blazer and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. Her hands started to moisten and small sweat beads started to trickle down her forehead, she wanted to cry but her throat felt so tight it wouldn't let her. My black is beautiful, my black is powerful. My black is beautiful, my black is powerful. Carter silently started to chant to herself. Slowly her throat began to let the air flow through her body again. The more she repeated herself the better her anxiety became. Taking her last deep inhale she exhaled all the bad vibes she had left in her.

Did she believe anything that Michelle said? Was she telling the truth about Sarah being evil against black people? Everyone knew Sarah had a problem with African Americans but was it strong enough to watch someone she wants to be friends with get raped? Carter didn't know what to think or believe everything Michelle said in the bathroom could've been a lie. Carter was so confused a part of her wanted to just run home but then she thought about what her parents would say if she got caught. Another part of her wanted to call Jacob and tiara and tell them everything but she didn't want to interfere with their learning. She sat on the ground and leaned her back against the school. The weather was a nice temperature so it wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot, it was just enough to bare. Finally Carter decided she would just forget about it all. She was tired of making everyone worry, she promised herself she would stick up for herself more and if she ran for help now she would be letting herself down. She vowed that she would let this incident ride and act as if it never happened; it was just better that way.

Christmas Eve

"I got you something." Jacob spoke into the phone causing Carter to blush.

"I told you Jacob you didn't have to get me anything. I don't need gifts I need you." Carter said causing Jacob to blush.

"You have me Car but sometimes I want to give you more than just me. I want to give you stability and protection. I want to give you love like you never had before. I want to give you assurance that as long as you're with me , and even after that I will always be in your corner." Jacob explained. The more Jacob spoke the more Carter wanted to know what the gift was.

"Well damn J what is it?" Carter asked excitedly with a wide smile on her face.

"Calm down I can feel you smiling through the phone." Jacob laughed. Carter tried to put her smile away but she couldn't help it, Jacob always made her smile it was something he did without trying.

"Whatever." Carter said trying to put on a fake attitude.

"I know you don't have an attitude right now? You know you can't get an attitude with me." Jacob laughed some more. Even though he was right Carter didn't want to give in to fast so she kept it going.

"Okay." She said with a flat tone.

"Carter are you really mad?" Jacob questioned not knowing if Carter was serious or not. 

"Nope." She said in a flat tone. Jacob started to believe she really had an attitude. Before he could speak again she cut him off. "Look I gotta go I'll talk to you later." And with that she hung up. Looking at the phone Jacob couldn't believe what just happened. Carter never hung up on him before and she wasn't going to start now. Jacob knew just what she needed and had a plan to fix it.

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