Chapter 30

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At the hospital, it was a calm quiet day. Word had spread about Meredith and dereks engagement, and surprisingly nobody was upset or surprised about it.

Meredith was working in the pit and Derek was in surgery when there was a trauma. The first ambulance came in and Meredith and Bailey helped unload them. "Hey guys!" Meredith yelled, seeing the other ambulance from a. Distance speed closer.

"Move!" Meredith yelled. "Move!" She repeated, running and pulling the patient out of the way. The ambulance slammed into the other ambulance with a Big Bang. "Holy crap. You, go get the chief now and call the trauma attending!" Bailey ordered.


"What hurts?" Bailey asked as she knelt down on the side of the ambulance, top of the ambulance upside down. "Uh, my-my chest. I-" the paramedic stammered. "Page Hahn now." Richard ordered.

"Stan, he-his eyes arent open." Ray stammered. "It's okay. He's okay." Meredith soothed.


Minutes later, the machine was ready to pull the ambulance apart so they could get to the paramedics. "Go!" Richard yelled. They began prying the ambulance open when Ray yelled. "Stop! Stop! Ray..." He trailed off.

Meredith knelt down. "What is it Ray?" She asked. "The oxygen's stuck in his back. You can't move him. He'll bleed out." Ray said frantically.

"All right. Hang in there you two." Meredith said as she stood up. "The oxygen regulator is stuck in Stan's back."

"Stan? Stan! Wake up!" Ray begged. Meredith knelt back down. "Grey, you can't fit." Richard argued. "Yes I can." She said firmly. "Be careful then. There's glass all around you." He warned, giving in.

Meredith crawled in through the window, ignoring the sharp pains the glass left through her trauma gown. "Is he alive?" Ray asked desperately. Meredith felt for a pulse on Stan, but felt nothing. She sighed.

"Damnit Stan." Ray said, voice breaking. "Can you close his eyes?"

Meredith nodded and silently shut his eyes. Meredith used her stethoscope in his chest and frowned. "Bailey, I think he's got a cardiac tamponade." She said loudly.

"I'm gonna die." Ray said. "Arent I?"

"No. You are not gonna die today." Meredith insisted.

"I'm gonna die." He said, voice cracking. "No. You are not going to die today. Say it with me."

"I am not going to die today." The two of them said in sync. "There you go."

Hahn passed Meredith the probe and Meredith spread the gel over rays chest. "Cardiac tamponade. Damnit." She said.

"Get a pericardiocentis kit!" Bailey exclaimed to one of Merediths interns. "Stop! Freeze the frame. Right there Grey." Hahn said, passing Meredith the needle.  "Just do it." Ray said. "Okay, on three. 1,2,3." Meredith said, stabbing the needle into his chest.

"Too deep. Too deep." Ray stammered. Meredith angled the needle more and pulled back a little bit. "That feels good. I can breathe." He said in relief. "Get outta there Grey. Let the maintenance guys do their jobs now." Richard said. Meredith gave a reassuring nod to Ray before crawling backwards out of the ambulance.


Derek had finished his routine craniotomy when he heard what was going on outside. He went to the trauma bay and was surprised and shocked at the sight. "Who's in there?" He asked, noticing the group of surgeons kneeling and talking through the opening.

"Meredith." Cristina replied. "Meredith?" He asked in surprise. She nodded. Derek walked over to the group and saw Merediths small form wiggling out of the window.

"Good job Grey. You stayed calm in a pressuring situation. Not many Dan do that." Richard praised, lifting her arm up. "You'll need stitches." He said.

"I'll do them." Derek volunteered.  Meredith smiled at her fiancée and nodded, walking into the hospital with him.


"You did a pericardialcentis upside down?" Derek asked in awe as Meredith told him the story, stitching her laceration on her arm.

"Yeah. I was so scared." Meredith admitted. "As Richard said, not many people can do that. You're gonna be one of the greats, Mer, and I'm not just saying rhat because I love you." Derek said honestly.

"Ah! For a neurosurgeon you think you'd be good at suturing." Meredith teased.

"Hey, I do the cutting and poking around in brains. I don't suture all day in the pit, give me a break." He replied.


That night, Meredith was wiped from the adrenaline of the day. Derek brought her home and helped her into bed. "Want dinner or no?" He asked. "Sleep. Bed." Meredith mumbled sleepily. Derek chuckled and nodded.

He got her tucked into bed and went downstairs. He quickly made himself some dinner as he hadn't eaten all day, before joining Meredith in bed.

"You did great today Mer. I'm proud of you." He whispered. "Thanks." She mumbled back, surprisingly still awake. "Love you." She whispered. "I love you too."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. If you guys have any ideas for future chapters please drop them, I really need them atm. Hope your all doing well.

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