Chapter 20

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One week later, Meredith was bored out of her mind.  Derek was being amazing, but she was sick of sitting and watching old reruns all day. And Derek knew that. So, one day, he decided to surprise her.

"Let's go." Derek said. "What?" She asked in surprise. They were both judt sitting on the couch watching tv. "Let's go. I have a surprise for you." He repeated as he stood up and smiled. "I- a surprise?" Meredith asked. "Yup. Let's go." He said as he offered her his hand. "I have to change first." Meredith said. She was just lounging in her pajamas.

Derek carried her upstairs quickly and helped her changed her pants. She changed into one of his sweatshirts and he helped pull a pair of his sweatpants over her legs, which would normally be huge for her, but the cast was big and bulky. They just had to tie the waistband super tight. Once they finished they went downstairs.

Meredith took his hand and hobbled over to her crutches with dereks help. Meredith crutched to the door and Derek opened it for her. They slowly made their way to the elevator and entered. "Where are we going?" She asked. Derek chuckled. "It's a surprise." He replied. "Derek." Meredith whined. "Meredith." He mimicked with a smile.

They got to car after a few minutes and got in. They had to move Merediths seat all the way back due to her cast, but they managed. Derek rolled the windows down on a surprisingly nice Seattle day and turned on the radio, which just so happened to be his favorite song by the clash.

Meredith watched happily as Derek drove, while occasionally singing a lyric or two. He looked so happy, so carefree. She laughed softly to herself and looked back out the window.

Derek pulled up to a park overlooking the water. "Wait here." He said as he left the car and got things out of the trunk. Meredith watched as he laid down a blanket on the grass and put a little basket on it and immediately knew he had made a picnic for her.

He opened the door for her and smiled. "You made a picnic for me?" She asked with a smile. Derek nodded. "Let's go sit." He said as he lifted her into his arms.

They got to the blanket and he gently set her down on it. He brought a pillow for her leg and propped it up for her. He sat down behind her and wrapped his legs around her small body. She leaned back into his chest and sighed, his strong arms holding up the both of them. Derek sighed happily. "I love you." He said softly. "I love you too. Thank you for doing this for me." She replied back.

"Guess what?" Derek asked. "What?" She replied. "I brought sandwiches." He whispered into her ear. She giggled and it was music to his ears. He handed her the turkey and cheese sandwich and they dug in as they enjoyed the view of the water.

About a half an hour later, they decided to go back. Derek carried Meredith back to the car and carefully put her back into the seat and pressed a kiss to her lips before going back to put the blanket and basket away.

As the drove home, Derek held a hand on merediths thigh. "This isn't the way home." Meredith pointed out as she looked out the window. "I know." Derek replied with a smile.

A few minutes later, Derek pulled up to a McDonald's drive thru. "Your getting me McDonald's?" Meredith asked happily. "I am." He said. He ordered Merediths usual, a Big Mac meal, and ordered himself a water. Derek had always known that Meredith had a hearty appetite, and he loved her for it, but he always wondered where she put all that food. Meredith was a pretty tiny woman.

Derek got the food and paid and they drove back home. "Thank you." She said as she grabbed a stray fry from the bag. "It's my pleasure." Derek replied as he pulled up to Merediths apartment.

He handed her the crutches and helped her up all while carrying the McDonald's back. They boarded the elevator and quickly went up.

They made their way to their apartment and sat down at the kitchen table this time. Derek grabbed one of his premade salads out of the fridge and watched in amusement as Meredith wolfed down her burger and fries. "Hungry?" He asked jokingly. Meredith nodded and blushed. She wasn't afraid to act normal in front of him. She burped occasionally and usually out ate him.

She finished her meal, as did he and they sat back down on the couch. "Thanks for today." She said softly from his arms. "Of course." Derek replied as he kissed her head. "Did you have fun?" He asked. Meredith smiled. "I did. Although I can't wait to be back at work." Meredith replied.

"Well, you have your appointment with Callie next week to see about the cast off. You'll still have to wear a brace but maybe you can convince Bailey to let you chart or something." Derek suggested. "That's a good idea." Meredith replied. "I'll help talk to her too. And richard." Derek said. "That'd be good." Meredith said with a yawn.

Minutes later, Meredith was fast asleep in dereks arms. He would've moved her, but he was so comfortable and she looked so content in his arms, so he made the executive decision and decided to sleep on the couch that night. "I love you." He whispered. Meredith subconsciously adjusted to his body and burrowed closer.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if yoy have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them!! Hope your all doing well!!

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