Chapter 24

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Shortly after Addison had figured out that Mark had left and moved to Seattle, she decided to pay a little visit. She missed her ex husband and Mark. She didn't sell her practice, and instead took an offer Richard offered. It just so happened that she was actually needed on a case there.

She took the flight to Seattle and showed up at the hospital. As she was on her way to richards office, she bumped into a small blonde.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Meredith exclaimed as she looked at the other woman. "Meredith." Addison said with gritted teeth. "Oh, uh, hi Addison." Meredith replied timidly, her heart pounding in her chest. "Watch where your going." She said coldly as she walked right past her.

Meredith walked away in shock and stepped in to a supply closet to compose herself. Dereks ex wife? WhT if he went back to her? Would she not be good enough? Thoughts ran through her mind a million at a time.

Derek and Mark had been walking when they saw the redhead approaching them. "Boys." Addison said with a smile as she stood in front of them. "What are you doing here?" Derek hissed. "Relax; I'm here on a case. Oh, and I ran in to your little friend earlier. Haven't seen her in a while, she's young." Addison said firmly.

"Shut up." Derek said sharply. "You look different. Very Russell Crowe, I like it." Addison said as she touched a piece of his hair. "How long are you here and when can you leave?" Derek asked. "A few days, maybe weeks, never know. Anyways, I gotta go. I'll see you later." She whispered into his ear, her breath tickling his ear.

From a distance, Meredith saw the boys talking to Addison, watching intently. Dereks eyes flickered to hers and said something before walking over to Meredith, who was now walking briskly away.

Derek grabbed her elbow and pulled her into an on call room. "Mer-" he started. "If yoy wsnt to go back to her you can. I- she's better than me and- and prettier than me, I'd understand." Meredith cut. Derek met her eyes and his heart broke at the vulnerability and sadness in her eyes.

"Hey." He said as he cupped her face. "She's only here for a patient. I haven't talked to her in months." Derek said softly. "No, I get it. You can go back to her Derek, I won't hold it against you. I wasn't good enough anyways." Meredith said, in denial that he hadn't called her here. "Meredith, the only woman I want is you." Derek cut in.

"I-" "No. Meredith, I had nothing to do with her coming here. I promise you that. Do you trust me?" Derek asked firmly yet with a soft touch. Meredith hesitated before nodding. "Okay. You are good enough, okay? You're more than enough. You're perfect." Derek said gently.

Meredith nodded, tears falling as she leant into his hands that were cupping her cheeks. "I love you, Mer." He whispered as he took her into his arms and guided her head to his chest. "You're it for me." He whispered. "I love you." She said muffled into his chest.

Soon after, they emerged from the on call room. Meredith and derek went back to work, acting as if Addison had never showed up. They was until Meredith was randomly paged to a conference room.

Meredith walked in and saw Addison standing in there. "Listen Grey, you may have stole my husband, but I'll get him back." Addison started. "And you better back the hell off." She said. Meredith froze, her jaw dropped. "I- no." Meredith defended quietly. "What did you just say?" Addison asked rudely.

"No. You cheated on Derek. You did that first. And I....I love him. And he loves me." Meredith said quietly. Addison walked to the door, but stopped right in front of Meredith. "You can believe that." She whispered before walking out of the door, leaving a shocked Meredith.

Meredith walked out and went back to work once again.  At the end of the day, Derek had found Meredith to leave. "Hey." He said with a smile. "Hi." She replied, not looking at him. "What's wrong?" He asked, immediately noticed her somber mood. "Nothing, I'm fine." She said as they began walking.

Derek stopped her and forced her to look her in the eyes. "I- do you love me?" She asked timidly. Dereks brow furrowed. "Of course I do. Why would you ask that?" He asked softly as he grabbed her hands. "Nothing." She said as she tried to pull away again.

"Meredith." He said firmly. "Addison said some things." She admitted. "What did she say?" Derek asked angrily. "You didn't love me. And that she'll get you back, and I understand...." Meredith trailed off insecurely. "I do love you. And I will never go back to her. Mer, I told you, you're it for me. You, your everything." He said softly. "So, let's go home together and cuddle, okay?" He asked.

Meredith nodded. Derek took her hand in his and they walked back to his car and drove home.

Once they arrived at the house, Derek quickly made some boxed Mac and cheese per merediths request and they ate on the couch together. Mark had been working that night, so it was just them. "I love you Mer. More than anything." He said softly as they watched tv. "I love you too Derek." She replied.

Hey guys!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas feel free to drop them. Hope you all enjoyed!!

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