Chapter 14

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A few days have passed and Meredith and Derek were spending the night together every night. Derek woke up early and smiled at the small woman in his arms, snoring away. He had gotten accustomed to the snores in the few days he's been with her.

As she slept, he admired her features. She was truly beautiful. Her soft homey blonde hair was strewn about on dereks chest, and her arm was wrapped tightly around his waist. He checked the time quickly and realized they had to get up soon. Pressing a featherlight kiss to her head, Meredith stirred.

"Mmm." Meredith moaned. "We have to get up." Derek said softly. Meredith opened her eyes and met the piercing blue ones, looking right at her. "Good morning." Derek said as he tilted his head slightly. "Good morning." Meredith said, her voice raspy with sleep.

When the two finally got up and got ready for work, they met in the kitchen. "What are we gonna do about work?" Meredith asked. "What do you mean?" Derek asked as he sipped his coffee. "I can't be the intern dating the attending. It's bad enough that people know about Ellis and I don't want to seem like I'm getting favored and-." Meredith rambled. Derek cut in and smiled. "We don't have to tell anyone. I'm okay with that." Derek said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you sure?" Meredith asked. Derek nodded. "So we're dating, huh?" Derek asked with a smirk. Merediths face reddened. "I, uh, I don't know-that." Meredith stammered. Derek smiled. "We gotta go. Girlfriend." He said. Meredith gave him a soft smile. "Okay boyfriend." Meredith whispered. They grabbed their bags and left the apartment.

They arrived at the hospital and parted ways with a kiss.

"Grey, yang, Karev, stevens , O'Malley get over here." Merediths resident, Bailey called. Meredith scurried over. "Yang, your with Burke, O'Malley your with Torres, karev with Dr Adams, the new OB, stevens with me, and Grey, dr Shepherd has requested you for the day." Bailey listed off. "Grey, can I have a word with you?" Bailey asked as she other interns scurried off.

"What's up?" Meredith asked nervously. "Relax. You're not in trouble. I was just going to ask you if you want to have more time on neuro. You've had enough time for the other specialities, and I can tell you like neuro. What do you think?" Bailey asked. Mereditj thought for a moment before nodding. "That would be great. Thanks dr Bailey." Meredith said with a smile. "No problem Grey. Your the one to watch." Bailey said as she left the locker room.

"Hi dr Grey." Derek said as Meredith approached him. "Hi Dr Shepherd." Meredith replied formally. "Guess what?" Meredith whispered. "What?" He whispered back. "Bailey said I get to spend more time on neuro." Meredith said excitedly. "Really?" Derek asked happily, noticing her happy expression. She nodded. "That's great Mer. Lucky for you, we have an awesome case today. 35 year old male, huge spinal tumor. If we don't operate, he'll die. If we do successfully, he won't be paralyzed and he'll live a full life." Derek explained.

A few hours later, derek and Meredith scrubbed in. "Is that the tech guy?" Merediths asked. "Yeah. Isaac." Derek replied. "You ready? This is gonna take a while." He asked. "Of course." Meredith replied as she entered the scrub room behind Derek . "Okay everybody. It's a beautiful day to save lives, let's have some fun." Derek said.

6 hours in to the surgery, the ache in Merediths back started to hurt after holding a clamp for so long. "You okay dr Grey?" Derek asked from across the table. "I'm good." Meredith replied as she tried to stretch her back and winced. "Dr Jacobs, come take over for Dr Grey while she takes a walk." Derek requested as he noticed her wince.

Meredith took the break and went for a quick lap around the building, stretching her back and legs.

"Better?" Derek asked as Meredith entered the OR. "Definetely. Thank you Dr Shepherd." She said. Derek gave a quick nod and went back to work.

5 hours later, the surgery was done successfully and Derek and Meredith both scrubbed out. "How's your back?" Derek asked. "A little sore." Mereditj admitted. "Want to go home?" Derek asked. "More than anything." She replied. "I'll meet you there." He said as he gave her a quick kiss and left the scrub room.

Meredith got home a little before Derek. He stopped to pick up Italian food for the two of them. "Hey." Meredith said softly as Derek came through the door and placed the bags down. "Hi." Derek said as he embraced her in a hug. "I'm so hungry." Meredith said. "I got food." Derek said with a charming smile.

As they sat down on the couch with their pasta, Meredith curled into his body as he rubbed her back gently and watched A surgery Derek brought home. "That surgery was aweosme today." Meredith said sleepily. "It was. Have you ever scrubbed in on something like that?" Derek asked. Meredith shook her head.

"Well now you get to spend more time on neuro and more time with me at work." He said with a chuckle. Meredith nodded sleepily. "Let's get you up to bed." Derek said as he noticed her half asleep form. He gently lifted her up, her body weight leaning against his and they went upstairs.

He helped her get changed, then himself changed and they got into bed. Derek rubbed her back soothingly and she fell asleep almost immediately. "Love you." She mumbled. Derek smiled. "I love you too Mer." He whispered as he kissed her neck and closed his eyes.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! ❤️❤️

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