Chapter 3

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Fast forward 3 years, Meredith 7 Derek 12

*this is going to be very similar to my other story 'It's been a long time'

Meredith had been living with the shepherds for 3 years, and she had been officially named one of the Shepherd children. At school, she went by Meredith Shepherd. Even though she wasn't legally a Shepherd, she used the name.

On the first day of school, Carolyn and michael woke the kids up. Meredith had stayed in the boys room, she was more comfortable there with Derek and Mark, who were all best friends. Derek and Mark had beds across from each other, while Meredith had a bed on the other side of the room.

"Wake up Mer. First day of 1st grade!" Michael exclaimed. Meredith stirred but did not wake. Michael shook her shoulder gently and Meredith opened her eyes. "Hi." She said. "Good morning." Michael said as he pressed a featherlight kiss to her forehead. "Resdy for school?" He asked. Meredith nodded.

Carolyn helped Meredith and Amy get dressed. They were in different classes, but the same grade. Derek and Mark got themselves dressed in khakis and a polo, per Michael's request of dressing nice.

Meredith and Amelia bounded downstairs with cute but subtle dresses on. Meredith was still a lot smaller than she should be, so the dress was a little big.

"Good morning Mer. You ready for first grade?" Derek asked as he helped her into the chair at the table. Meredith nodded. "You nervous?" Mark asked. Meredith nodded again. "You won't be with me?" Meredith asked. "No, Mer. But we will be with you after school." Derek said. "And we can play games." Mark added.

Derek and Mark and Meredith were all best friends, even given their 5 year age gap. The boys felt the desire to always protect Meredith.

"Time to go guys!" Carolyn exclaimed. They kids all scurried to get their bags and loaded all 7 kids into their minivan.

When they got to the school, the kids and Carolyn and michael all got out in the drop off line. Carolyn and Michael kissed their kids goodbye with hugs. "Bye guys!! I love you all!" Carolyn said.

All the kids walked in together except Meredith. "Meredith?" Carolyn asked. "I don't wanna go." Meredith said as she hugged Michael's legged. The kids waited up for Meredith as they noticed she was behind. Michael bent down and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head in the crook of his neck.

"You gonna leave me like mommy did?" Meredith asked. Carolyn and Michael's hearts broke for the girl. Meredith still worried that they were going to abandon her like her mother did. "Meredith, we aren't going to leave you. You don't ever have to worry about that." Carolyn said softly. "Are you sure? Cause mommy said she wouldn't leave me but she did. And daddy did too." Meredith asked.  "I promise you Meredith, we will never leave." Michael said. "Okay." Meredith said. Michael put her down gently and she ran off to her siblings. "Bye Mer love you!" Carolyn said. "Love you too!" Meredith yelled back.

"That poor girl." Carolyn said as she got into the car. "I know. She's alright. She's a tough cookie." Michael said. "She is." Carolyn said.

At school, Meredith had a hard time making friends that day. Even thought it was the first day, the teachers noticed she was a little shy and nervous. Meredith wanted Mark and Derek. "Meredith, why don't you go play over there?" Her teacher, Mrs. Peterson asked. Meredith shook her head. "Why not sweetie?" She asked. "I want Mark and Derek." Meredith said quietly. "Sweetie, they're older than you and in different classes." Mrs Peterson said. "I know." Meredith replied. The teacher left Meredith alone and she continued to draw by herself.

Derek and Mark were enjoying 6th grade. They had all their friends from Elementary school, so it was no trouble with friends for them. "How did you think Mer is doing?" Derek asked. "She's probably fine." Mark replied.

When the school day ended, Meredith was the last kid the Shepherds picked up. Carolyn and michael and the other kids all got to Merediths classroom and they immediately saw Meredith in the corner, coloring alone.

The teacher approached them and smiled. "Who are you here for?" She asked. "Meredith." Carolyn replied. Meredith looked up and smiled when she saw her family.

"Markie! Derek!" She exclaimed as she ran into them and wrapped her arms around their waists. "Hi Mer!" The boys exclaimed with a chuckle. "Can I talk to you two for a minute?" Mrs Peterson asked Michael and Carolyn.

The two parents and teacher walked into a more secluded area. "What's going on?" Carolyn asked. "Well, Meredith is smart. We did a few pre assessments and she aced every single one, but she's very shy. And it seems like she doesn't trust us. She didn't want to play with anyone else, and she said she wanted Mark and Derek." Mrs Peterson explained.

Michael and Carolyn sighed. "We aren't her biological parents. She's been living with us for 3 years. Her parents left her at a playground, and we took her in. She was very nervous today, and the trust thing were still working on. Mark Derek and Meredith are best friends." Carolyn explained.

"Okay. I may recommend for her to talk to the in school guidance councerlor. I know it's the first day of school, but this will help her moving forward." She said. "She won't like that, but we can talk to her about it." Michael said.

The parents walked back over to their kids and smiled. "Ready to go?" Michael asked. "Yeah!" The kids cheered. Meredith reached her arms up to michael and he smiled and picked her up. He kissed her forehead. "Did you have a good day?" He asked as they walked out. "Ya! I drawed a picture." Meredith said proudly. "Can we see it when we get home?" Carolyn asked. Meredith nodded.

They loaded their kids into the car once again and drove home. "Mer, did you make any friends?" Derek asked. "No." Meredith replied simply. Derek wanted to pry more, but he let it go. M

When they got home, the kids all scurried off into their rooms. "What did you do today Meri?" Mark asked. "I drawed a picture. Want to see it?" Meredith asked excitedly. "Sure!" The boys exclaimed. Meredith pulled the drawing out and showed it to them. It was a messy picture, but you could see that it was a family picture of the shepherds.

"That's pretty Mer!" Derek exclaimed. Meredith smiled proudly. "Kids! Dinner!" Carolyn called from downstairs. Everyone went downstairs and Meredith showed her picture proudly. "That's awesome Mer!" Michael exclaimed. Meredith smiled and giggled.

After dinner, the shepherds watched a movie and Meredith ended up falling asleep leaning against michael and Carolyn. "Let's take her up." Carolyn said. Michael nodded and carefully picked her up.

They went into the room and gently placed her into her bed. "Night Mer. Love you." They said. "Night mommy. Night daddy. Love you." Meredith mumbled. Carolyn and Michael smiled at how she called them mom and dads and left the room happily.

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