Our sleepover?

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(this is going to be relatively short)

~Third person~

Once the boys had gotten back to Kyoya's house, they decided to have Tamaki stay the night since his father was out of town; they both went straight to Kyoya's room, and Tamaki throws himself onto the bed. 

Kyoya went to his closet and threw Tamaki a shirt and a pair of pants to change into.

Tamaki stood up and went into the bathroom to change as Kyoya sat on the bed with his phone scrolling through their club's group chat.

(Thing one is Hikaru, and thing 2 is Kaoru, btw)


~Mommy💞 is online~

Thing one👯: Hi kyoya!

Thing two👯: Just the man we were talking about.

Mommy💞: What do you two idiots want?

Thing two👯: care to explain why boss changed your screen name to "Mommy.💞"

Mommy💞: because he calls me mommy?

Thing one👯: that doesn't explain the heart.

Mommy💞: I don't know! Why would I know?!

Thing one👯: because you didn't change it back.

Mommy💞: I hate you both.

Thing two👯: we know😊

~the prince👑 is online~

Mommy💞: Tamaki. 

The prince👑: yess? 

Mommy💞: you are aware you changed my screen name for the whole group chat, not just yourself, right?

The prince👑: I did?

The prince👑: Oh- my bad!

~The prince👑 changed Mommy💞: to computer boy💻~

The prince👑: there we go, haha... 

computer boy💻: idiot.

Thing two👯: damn it, kyoya, you're no fun.

Thing one👯: we're outty.

~Thing one👯 and Thing two👯 went offline~

~computer boy💻 went offline~

~The prince👑 went offline~

~end of texting~

~Kyoya's pov~

I sighed, putting my phone on the bed before laying down with my arm over my eyes.

God damn idiot... 

Tamaki came out of the bathroom and sat next to me. "sorry about the whole group chat thing, haha.."

I sat up and laid my head on his shoulder, "don't worry about it... I'm just tired.."

Tamaki smiled, "we can go to bed now if you want."

I nodded slowly, "ok.."

Tamaki laid on the bed, laying on his back. 

I smiled slightly before getting up, "hold on, I'm going to change."

Tamaki nodded as I went into the bathroom with my clothes.

I quickly got changed and took my contacts out before grabbing my glasses and going back into the bedroom. I left my glasses on the table before laying down on the bed next to Tamaki.

Tamaki looked at me before pulling me closer to him to the point where my head was on his chest. 

I looked up at him, "why?" 

Tamaki looked back at me with his typical grin, "why not?"

I sighed, closing my eyes, "whatever.."

The following day I woke up to the sound of my father yelling.

I quickly sat up, moving Tamaki away from him, "Father?"

My father looks at me then at Tamaki, "care to explain why you're sleeping with Suoh's son? Did I not tell you to get closer to that honor's student, not him."

I looked at my father, "listen. It's not what you think- we were hanging out last night, and his father is out of town, so I brought him here since he can barely take care of himself! We didn't go to bed like that, I swear! He was lying on the floor when I fell asleep; I don't know why he's up here. I promise you we didn't go to sleep like that!" I couldn't help but get anxious after saying that; I knew he was more intelligent than the average person, so there was a chance he would see that I was lying. Then again, he thought I'd never lie to him, so that chance was slim.

Please believe it! Please believe it! Please believe it! Please believe it!

My father sighed, "you two are best friends, nothing more correct?"

I immediately nodded, "yes, that's correct, I wouldn't date a guy. You know that." That was a lie, but I can't let my father figure that out, of course.

My father nodded, "good, now focus on getting closer to that honor student, and if you can't do that, I will be picking who you're going to marry, understood?"

I nodded slowly, "yes, sir.."

My father sighed and left the room without another word.

Now what? If I can't get Haruhi, I'm going to have to marry some random woman I don't know?! Thanks a lot, old man...

I sighed before getting up.

Don't stress about it, Kyoya, you have school to worry about...

I quickly shock Tamaki awake and told him to get dressed for school before going into the bathroom and getting myself ready.

~part 13 end~

Is he my best friend..? Or more..?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon