Seika Ayanokoji is after him...

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~kyoya's pov~

It looks like someone caught onto Tamaki's little crush on Haruhi and is jealous. She won't be hard to get rid of... Maybe I'll do what I did with Renge but instead of my name, put Tamaki's. Yes, that's what I'll do. I'll tell her to meet me on the rooftop and push her off. I could easily make it look like a suicide. But why would she commit suicide... hm...

I was watching the girl like a hawk stalking its prey, ready to attack at any moment if I deemed it necessary. The girl expressed she had feelings for Tamaki.

Of course, if I tell Tamaki about this, he will tell her she's merely a guest at our club. Perfect~

I went over to Tamaki, "Tamaki. My sources say that miss Seika Ayanokoji has developed feelings for you."

Tamaki looks up at me "she does? Oh gosh... I know I'm good-looking, but we can't have that!"

I nodded. "I believe you should talk to her about that; you are the president after all."

Tamaki nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I am! I will talk to her! Where is she?"

I pointed to her with my pencil, "right over there."

Tamaki runs over to her "princess Seika?"

I smirked to myself 

He is so damn clueless~This is almost too perfect~

After a moment, I saw the girl run out in tears as Tamaki walked over to me "well, that didn't go well..."

"I can see that" I look at my notebook. "I guess that's one less guest."

Tamaki looked down. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset her..."

I nodded. "I know it's fine; don't beat yourself up about it."

He looked down even more "but it's my fault she's upset..."

I pulled his tie, making him look at me "listen, don't blame yourself. If that upset her, it upset her the truth hurts sometimes understood?"

Tamaki nodded "y-yes, mommy."

I let go of his tie and fixed it for him "good, now go be with the other guests. I have some business to be tending to"

Tamaki nodded "ok! Uhm, see you after class then?"

I nodded "yeah, after class." I left the club room with my laptop, acting as if I was going to go work on something, but I was going to find my target. 

Alright, where could she be..? No matter, I'll put the note in her locker first.

I put my laptop in my locker before going over to hers and slipping a note into it. 

There, now where could I find her?

I walked out to the garden and saw her sobbing while sitting on one of the benches. 

There she is~ all alone too...

I walked up to her "miss Seika?"

She looked up at me, wiping her face "k-kyoya?"

I sat down next to her. "I hate to bother you like this, but I saw Tamaki by your locker a moment ago; I believe he slipped something into it, but I'm not sure."

She puts her hands into her lap. "Tamaki..? Was by my locker..?"

I nodded "indeed he was"

She swallowed and got up "ok... I'll check my locker then... thank you, ootori."

I nodded "of course, miss Seika."

She went to her locker, and I followed, making sure not to be seen. 

The note read, "Seika, princess~ I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you! Let me make it up to you. Meet me on the school rooftop as soon as you see this ~tamaki suoh."

She put the note in her pocket and ran up to the rooftop.

I followed her.

She looked at me "you're not Tamaki!"

I smirked "indeed, I'm not~, and you're in my way, princess" I pushed the girl off the roof, removing her shoes and setting them down by the rail. 

There now to report this.

I ran downstairs to the nearest teacher. "Mrs! A girl just jumped off the rooftop! Come with me!"

The teacher ran up to the rooftop with me and saw the girl's shoes sitting there by the rail. 

The teacher went to the rail and looked over, seeing her lifeless body on the ground below "what a shame... I'll call the police immediately."

I went down to where Tamaki was; everyone was going on with their day, not knowing what had just happened. "Tamaki! Come here!" I called for him. 

Tamaki came over to me and touched my face after seeing how frantic I seemed to be. "Kyoya, what happened? Are you ok?"

I looked at him. "Seika.. she... just. Come with me" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the rooftop.

Tamaki looked over the rail and saw the body "oh my god... she... oh no..."

I nodded slowly "yeah... such a tragedy... isn't it..?"

Tamaki nodded before going over to me and hugging me tightly.

This shocked me for a moment, but I started rubbing his back gently "hey.. don't blame yourself, ok..? I'm sure it wasn't because of you..."

"B-but she... because I rejected her..." Tamaki said softly

I continued rubbing his back gently. "You don't know that... she could have been going through something bad at home... don't blame yourself, Tamaki..."

What have I done... he's blaming himself for my actions...

~time skip~

After the police investigation, I called my father and asked if Tamaki could stay over. Once I got my father to say ok, I invited Tamaki to my place. Tamaki and I went to my home and went straight up to my room. 

I sat down on my bed and opened my arms to Tamaki with a slight smile "come here."

Tamaki sat in my lap, hugging me tightly "thank you, mommy..."

I rubbed his back gently "of course... you know I'm always here for you."

Tamaki nodded slowly before closing his eyes "mommy..?"

I looked at him and said, "yes, daddy..?"

He moved into me a bit more "can we stay like this tonight..?"

I nodded "of course we can... do you want me to give you some clothes to wear?"

He nodded "yes. Please, mommy..."

I got up, still holding Tamaki with me, and grabbed some comfortable clothes for Tamaki to wear. I set him down on the bed and gave the clothes to him. I turned around, and he got changed before pulling me back down onto the bed. I looked at him, and he immediately cuddled up to me like a scared little kid would to its mother.

Why does he have to be so cute... 

I held him close to me, playing with his hair to calm him. After a short amount of time, he had fallen asleep. I slowly got up, making sure not to wake him up, and changed out of my uniform before laying back down with him. I kept him close to me with a slight smile on my face.. he seemed so peaceful as he slept. I kissed his forehead gently "sleep well.. daddy..."

That night I stayed wide awake, keeping Tamaki close just in case he had a nightmare or something like that. Before I knew it, the time was 7am... I shook Tamaki awake before getting dressed for school...

~part 5 end~

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