Telling the others...

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~Kyoya's pov~

~new journal entry~

It has been a few months since Tamaki, and I had started dating. Of course, we want to tell the whole club, but we don't exactly know how we are going to that. Naturally, Haruhi figured us out on day one, but the other dim wits haven't gotten it yet. I'm sure we'll think of something, or more reasonably likely, I will think of something.

~end of journal entry~


I put my journal away. I had told myself I would burn that stupid journal, but I didn't; Tamaki becoming my boyfriend must have brought me back to my senses, but still, if my father found that book of my most inner thoughts, I'd be ruined completely. I sighed, leaning back on my seat, and felt a pair of hands on my shoulders after a bit. I opened my eyes and looked up, seeing Tamaki with a grin on his face while massaging my shoulders. I rolled my eyes a bit, "Tamaki, you don't need to do that. I'm just tired. I'll be fine."

Tamaki shook his head and sat down next to me, "you should rest more. I know you don't get much sleep even though you tell me you do."

I sighed again, moving closer to him and laying my head on his shoulder, "I know, but I don't have the time to sleep... If I want to get my work done, that is."

Tamaki looked at me before putting his head at the back of my head, "you can sleep here with me; I'll take care of you, mommy."

I chuckled a bit before whispering into his ear, "thank you, daddy. I love you" I moved my head back down to his shoulder and closed my eyes slowly. 

Tamaki smiled more, pulling my head in his lap, "I love you too." 

After a few minutes, I had fallen asleep with my head in his lap.

~Tamaki's pov~

Kyoya pushes himself too much... I wish he would sleep more without me having to make him... 

I pulled him fully into my lap, so he was sitting in my lap with his head on my shoulder, and started stroking the boy's head, holding him close.

After a little while, the others came into the clubroom and saw me with Kyoya in my lap. 

The twins looked me up and down, "why's kyoya in your lap?"

I looked at them, "He was tired, so I'm letting him sleep."

They both narrowed their eyes slightly at me, "right... ok then" They went to their spots. 

Haruhi gave me her usual quick smile because sitting down as Honey and Mori sat down as well.

Soon enough, Kyoya woke up and got off my lap, "you don't have to hold me like that. I know you like to, but we're in the club room, not our bedrooms."

I nodded, "I know, but I haven't been over at your house at all for the past two weeksss! I missed holding you like that!"

Kyoya sighed, "yeah, whatever" he grabs his bag and takes his laptop out as always. 

After a bit, all of us moved to one area of the room, and I popped a piece of gum into my mouth.

Aren't we going to tell the others..? We're going to have to think of something... 

I blew a bubble *pop*

I mean, we could kiss each other in front of them like how Haruhi found out. But that's kind of straightforward... *pop* maybe we could tell them straight up... Eh.. maybe not. *pop* Ughh I don't knowww *pop* *pop* *pop*

Kyoya looked at me, "Tamaki, I swear to god! If you pop your gum again, I'm going to take it from you."

I looked at Kyoya, "No." *pop*

He got up and came over to me. He lifted my chin looked me dead in the eye before kissing me and taking the gum out of my mouth with his tongue. He sighed "you have such bland flavors."

I didn't exactly realize what had just happened until he had sat back down and chuckled to himself a bit. The moment I realized, I couldn't help but go blood red and hid my face in my shirt.

The twins just looked at both of us before rolling their eyes, "we get it, you two are in love. Quit rubbing it in our single faces."

Kyoya chuckled, "we were going to tell you guys but couldn't think of how so I just decided to go for it."

I poked my head out of my shirt again, "why'd you have to do it without telling me..."

Kyoya looked at me, "I did; I told you if you popped it again, I'd take it from you. That's exactly what I did."

I couldn't help but blush even more at that comment, "you- I- mmm" I went back to hiding in my shirt as Kyoya laughed.

Well, at least they know now... but what about the guests..?

~part 16 end~

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