Now he knows...

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~kyoya's pov~

I woke up after a bit and saw Tamaki sitting there with my journal in his lap. 


I quickly grabbed it, hoping he didn't read it.

Tamaki looked over at me, "oh, you're awake."

I nodded, "yeah. I'm awake."

Tamaki smiled at me, "did you sleep well? Do you feel better?"

I nodded again, "yeah, I feel a lot better.."

Tamaki's smile widened, "That's good!"

I got up. "I'm going to go to class, uhm.. see you later."

Tamaki nodded and waved to me.

Once I got out of that room, I let out a loud sigh.

God damn Tamaki, he's utterly oblivious to everything! How the hell did I fall for such an idiot... 

I stood there gathering myself for a minute before going to my class.

The entire class, I could not stop thinking about how Tamaki let me sleep next to him like that... It was so new to me, and the fact that my journal was in his lap made things even worse... It got to the point where everyone in the class, EVEN THE GOD DAMN TEACHER, asked me if I was ok. 

God, I'm so dumb... What's wrong with me..?

I excused myself from class early and stayed in the club room contemplating my life choices up until now, not wanting to finish my work just yet, even though I knew if I didn't do it now, I'd be up all damn night doing it as always.

I sighed before laying down on the couch and closing my eyes.

After a bit, I heard the door to the club room open; I stayed entirely still since I was much too tired to get up at that point. I wanted to sleep the day away, but I knew I couldn't, thanks to my father... 

A few moments passed, and I felt someone left my head; I opened my eyes just to be greeted with the sight of Tamaki pulling my head into his lap. I didn't dare move and just closed my eyes again, hoping that he didn't realize I was still wide awake and just had my eyes closed... I could feel him playing with my hair. I found it very relaxing, as if he had just taken all my worries and thrown them straight out the window with a simple touch of his hand... soon enough, I did fall asleep; I was grateful that Tamaki would do this even if he thought I was already asleep. I just wondered why he would do this for me without me asking him to; yes, we're best friends, but why..? Is this what best friends do..? 

I woke up again after a few hours and looked at the time immediately. 


I yawned and sat up, seeing that Tamaki was still sitting there talking with one of his regular guests. 

Tamaki looked over at me with his usual grin, "you're finally awake?"

I nodded slowly, "mhm... I guess I didn't sleep enough earlier" I chuckled a bit. "But I feel much better now."

Tamaki's grin widened, "that's good. Do you maybe want to come over tonight? My dad's throwing a little party later."

I shook my head, "no, I can't, not tonight... I have work to do." 

Tamaki sighed a bit, "ok fine, then I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded and got up, "yeah, tomorrow, bye." I waved and made my way out of the club room with my things. 

Tomorrow indeed, love...

I smiled to myself as I walked home, ready to tell Fuyumi all about what happened today. I always looked forward to telling her about what goes on between Tamaki and I because I knew I could trust her; she was my sister, after all.  Plus, she's the only person that knows about the fact that I'm gay and I like Tamaki. She'd never tell father about this... I know it...

When I got home, I went straight to Fuyumi's room. "Fuyumi!~"

I heard her laugh before opening the door for me, "yes, kyoya?"

I grinned slightly before going into her room and sitting down on the bed. "I have a lot to tell you today."

She smiled and sat down next to me, "I'm all ears."

I started explaining everything that happened at school from the moment I left the house to the right then; I was happy to be home for once in my life... I love Fuyumi; she's the best older sister I could ever as for.

~part 9 end~

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