I'm freezing..-Dylan.

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"Alright get on set!" Wes yelled

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"Alright get on set!" Wes yelled.

"It's freezing! Can't we shoot later." I whined as I was standing in a ripped t-shirt for my character.

"As much as I wish we could the set looks perfect right now so we have too." Wes laughed at my face.

"Y/n come here." Dylan smirked at Thomas for what he was about to do.

"Mmm are you warm-" He embraced me in his arms as I melted into them. "You are so warm." I snuggled into his arms.

"You are so cute." He chuckled as he gave me a kiss on the head while winking to the rest of the cast.


As we were recording I could feel someone looking at me so I looked up to him

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As we were recording I could feel someone looking at me so I looked up to him.

"Thomas?" I mumbled out as I acted.

He looked down and sighed.

"It's all my fault." He broke into character.

"This?" I looked around. "This is none of your fault It's all wicked-"

"I was in love with you, I remember everything I did this all. I did this all to you! It's all because I fell in love with you and we went behind there backs and they found out our stupid teenager love. We did this. We did this too our friends and now we have to deal with the guilt knowing we did this to ourselves." Dylan shouted.

He was so good at acting. I mean he literally sounded just like I imagined how it would actually go down.

"Thomas..we can't help how we felt for each other and our friends understand. We are free from their bullshit and lies. Thomas we are safe."

"CUT!" Wes yelled. "That was perfect!" Everyone clapped.


Will jumped on Dylan as I was recording

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Will jumped on Dylan as I was recording.

"Dyl I'm doing it!" I smiled at them.

"Will get off mEe!" He struggled.

"Y/n run while you can! He was planning to tickle you RUNN!" My eyes widened as Will yelled.

"Oh my god! I love you WILLY! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I ran while giggling.

I turn around thinking I was safe as I saw a Dylan running towards my way.

"Fuck!" I struggled as I ran tripping over a tree branch.

I felt someone catch me as I was about to land on my face.

"Caught you clumsy girl." He grinned as he turned me to face him.

"Maybe don't try and tickle next time and I won't be on the run!" I smiled.

"Who said try? I am." I realized he was tickling me as I was laughing so hard trying to get words out between each giggle.

"DYL-" Giggle. "STO-" Giggle. "IT TICKLES!"

I saw people recording the cute moment that was happening between us. This was definitely going to be a blooper.

"Alright alright! You looked cute don't kill me!" He held his hands up.

"Don't act innocent O'Brien." I rolled my eyes as I stomped away playfully.

Bye- why has this become like a Stiles and Dylan O'Brien book😫😎

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