Home coming

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"....and that is how you do a full rectal examination.." the Professor explained.

But the whole time, all Umerson could think of was Huzifor.

Being a medical student, he already had a lot on his plate, but with the whole thing with Huzifor on his mind, he could barely focus on his lectures.

I can't let things be, I should definitely talk to him. Should I just send him a text. But no this is something that should be done in person. But I don't know when he's coming back. Ugh what should I do!

Huzifor was also a medical student, but his institute, Agra Kayn University, was in a different city, and he would barely ever visit. With no other choice left, Umerson decided to call Huzifor.


"Hey...", Umerson initiates.

"...Hello", a rough, husky voice responds.

"uh... I wanted to talk to you about something, that is if you're free right now"

"I can't right now, I'm about to board the plane."

"What!?... Where to..?"

"I'm coming back home for the summer"


A shooketh Umerson hangs up.

He's coming back, RIGHT NOW. Holy crap what am I gonna do. More importantly, what am I gonna say. Ugh.

But as much as Umerson was shocked by the news, he was slightly happy as well. Some part of him actually wanting to see Huzifor again.

Later that day

"I'm splitting, help the team with drake"

"Keep 'em distracted, I'll backdoor"



"Finally, a good game after ages"

"Yea, and you didn't feed this time either" Umerson replies.

"Ha Ha. And speaking of feeding, I'm guessing you still haven't talked to Huzifor, right".

"I called him, but turns out, he's coming back here for the summer"

"Wait really?!..Isn't that perfect, you get to talk to him in-person now. ooh I'll arrange a meet-up, and I'll invite everyone. It's been a while since I've contacted my dealer tho.", Moses bursts with excitement.

"But what do I even say, you gotta help me out with this man"

"Maybe start by asking about what happened that night, and then just go with the flow. But DON'T say anything about his feelings towards you, it'll get awkward, or he'll just deny it altogether", Moses explains.

"Ugh fine, I guess I'll go with that", Umerson sighs.

"There's another issue that we haven't addressed yet"

"Wait, did I miss out something", Umerson replies with confusion.

"What about YOUR feelings? do you even feel the same way towards him? And what are you gonna do?", Moses inquires.

"I.... don't really know yet, I'll just figure it all out along the way. Well anyways, thanks for the advice"

But in reality, deep down, Umerson did know, as ever since he had found out about Huzifor's feelings towards him, all he could think of was Huzifor. And just picturing Huzifor would bring a tinge of pink all over Umerson's face. The boy had no idea what had gotten into him. An everlasting infatuation, or just a momentary confusion.

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