The Grind Don't Stop

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Umerson yelled as the intense game of league of legends continued. It was a close match, and he was trying his best to carry his team.

But alas, the match resulted in a loss, with Huzifor, Umerson's friend and the top laner, throwing the game last second with a hasty call to engage. With no one else going in, the top laner fell.

Overflowing with emotions and tilt, Huzifor loses it.

"You guys never listen to me, if it were Umerson who had made the call, all of you would've went in instantly. I'm just as good, maybe even better."

"Huzi..." Umerson, lost for words, leaves the discord voice channel.

"The call was wrong, we all would've died with you in there" exclaims the feeding adc, Moses.

"You wouldn't have been saying that if it were Umerson"

With anger, envy and tilt, Huzifor leaves the discord channel as well.

But there was another emotion in the mix, that left Huzifor even more overwhelmed.

Why won't Umerson acknowledge me as a good player. All I want is for him to see me as an equal.

Huzifor thinks to himself, as a tear rolls down his cheek. Tightly hugging his grizzly bear, he falls asleep.

It was that acknowledgement that was missing from Huzifor's life, acknowledgement from his close friend, that he was just as good a player as him. For this is something that Huzifor has longed for since he met Umerson back in school.

The constant grind in every sport or game in which Umerson partook, just to get his attention, and to get his acknowledgement. He never understood why, not accepting his inner feelings. He always misunderstood it as a friendly rivalry, that still goes on to this day, in the form of league of legends.

The next day

"Where's Huzifor? Clash is about to begin and we need our top laner" Umerson inquires.

"I doubt he's coming after what happened last night" Moses replies.

"He's never acted that way before, I don't know what's gotten into him"

"You dumbass, it's so obvious. He LIKES you."

"wait.....WHAT", the boy goes in a state of shock.

"It's obvious from the constant grind just to impress you. But you're just too oblivious. He even pulled all-nighters just to grind Ranked and reach Gold for you"

"B-but, he's never said anything about it before"

"Well the guy doesn't have his feelings sorted out either, his misunderstood closeted-ass thinks it's some kind of rivalry, where you always stay one step ahead" Moses explains.

"But w-why are you telling me all this now?!"

"It's about time you guys sorted this out, plus I just wanna play video games in peace, keep the drama in your pants please. Just talk to him" Moses sighs.


Huzifor.... Likes me!? Since when and how and what now.

Umerson's head was filled with thoughts. It made sense, as for him, it was as if he didn't know Huzifor at all. All these years, all these feelings, yet he had no clue.

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