Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nolan’s POV

It has been a few days since the fun day with everyone. Addie and I have gotten closer again and Charlie seems to be warming up to me, she usually wants me to play with her although she would choose Adelaide or Brody over me. Brody has been slightly warming up too, he’s protective of his sister which is understandable. Mackenzie seems to like me, I don’t know what to make of the other three boys that live here, they don’t talk to me much. I have noticed that one of the guys, Michael I think, has been flirting with my sister Debbie, and she flirts back. I don’t know what to make of them, Adelaide told me that all the boys were around twenty-three twenty-four years old, while Debbie is only nineteen. 

Sitting in the kitchen drinking hot chocolate with Addie we turned as we heard a little patter of small footsteps running in our direction. Since being here I’ve noticed that Charlie is a very active little girl, nothing can hold her attention for too long, like any toddler. She came running into the room and straight to me, Katrina following closely behind her. 

Charlie was bouncing up and down in front of me, her wide hazel eyes - same as mine - looking into mine. She put her hands out for me to pick her up, I sat her on my lap. “What you doin’?” 

I smiled at her curious expression. “Drinking hot chocolate, do you want some?” 

She sighed, exasperated for some unknown reason to me. “Yes.”

I pressed my lips together to try not laughing at her adorable expression. I stood up from the stool setting her on my hip and walked over to the counter where the boiled water sat next to the mugs and cocoa packets. I got a sippy cup from the cupboard and dumped a packet of cocoa powder in before dumping some boiled water in and mixing it. I made sure it wasn’t too hot before handing it to her, she took it and immediately started sipping it. I turned around to find Adelaide and Katrina looking at me with soft smiles. 

Adelaide came over to us and put her hands out for Charlie, I looked at Charlie as she shook her head at Addie. Adelaide furrowed her brow and looked at me smiling. 

I sat back down on the stool with Charlie in my lap still sipping her hot chocolate. Charlie stopped sipping her sippy as she put her face next to mine, she whispered in my ear. “Ask Mommy.” 

I gave her a questioning look. “What?”

“Mommy out.” She whined.

I still didn’t know what she was saying, my mind was trying to figure it out as Adelaide and Katrina were talking, not paying attention to the little girl in my arms who was confusing me. I wondered if Addie would know what she was talking about, she had spent two years raising this sweet little girl. 

“Ask Mommy out.” The little girl stated pouting. 

Startled, I looked at the little girl confused. Is that what she was trying to say, she wanted me to ask Addie out. Why? That question invaded my mind. Why did this curious little girl want me to ask Addie out? Did she mean as a date or something else that I couldn’t think of. 

She huffed. “Date. Ask Mommy date.”

So that is what she meant, still why? 

“Aunty Kitty said Mommy like you, she said you date Mommy. Mommy be happy.” 

I thought about it a minute. Ask out Addie. It could be like old times Addie and I hanging out going on dates, but it wasn’t like that summer, we have a daughter now and I would be leaving after new years, Christmas is in three days. 

“Are you sure, Tesoro?” I had to ask, it was her Mommy after all, and I’m not sure that she understands what a date is. Charlie sometimes can’t go without her mom for a few minutes, and I’ve noticed that Addie gets anxious when she leaves Charlie. 

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