Chapter 5

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(Charlie's bedroom ^)

Chapter 5

Adelaide’s POV

“We should talk,” I said.

He nodded, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Charlotte. 

“Let’s go upstairs,” I was nervous to have this talk with him, but I knew it had to happen. I had to tell him that Charlotte is his, I know he saw the similarities between them. We walked into Charlotte’s room, because my room was being used by Emily and Debbie. He raised his brow at the room, looking around at all the toys and dolls, the baby pink walls, the little baby bed in the corner. “Sorry, your sisters are staying in my room.”

His hands were in his pockets, he looked nervous or worried or sad or I don’t even know what he was feeling. He narrowed his eyes at me then broke the silence that had fallen over us. “So, you have a daughter.”

I sighed. “Yeah.”

“How old is she?” 

“Two, she’ll be three in March.”

“So, who is her father?” This was an awkward conversation, but I had to tell him, he had to know about his daughter.

I whispered so quietly I didn’t think he would hear. “You.”

He blinked in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you left for the military. That was your dream, you told me that you wanted to be like your uncle, you wanted to fight for our country. You were always happy when you talked about joining the military. I didn’t want you to have to worry about a little girl and me. Although I worried about you every day. How could I not think about you every day, when my baby girl looks just like you. I am sorry I never told you-”

He cut me off. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 

“Of course I was, eventually.”

“When is eventually?”

“I don’t know.” I told him honestly. 

He shook his head. “I want to get to know her.”

“Of course, I would never keep her from you.” I said, “but, I think it would be better if we didn’t tell her just yet that you are her father.”


“She’s two, she won’t understand. Let her get to know you first, once she warms up to you, then we can tell her.”

“And how long will that take? I leave again after new years.” 

Seeing him again was the best feeling ever, but I knew it wouldn’t last. I knew he would leave again, or find someone better. “I know.” I whispered. “But she warms up to people fast, we can tell her before you leave.”

“Okay,” he nodded when the door opened. Kat was standing there with Charlotte in her arms. 

“Sorry to interrupt, Char wanted you.” She walked over to me and I took Charlie from her. 

“Mommy,” she sniffed and pouted, her head laying on my shoulder.

“Yes baby?”

“Whewe you go?”

“I just had to talk to Nolan.”


I looked away from her, up at him. “He’s a friend baby, he’s going to be staying here until christmas.” 

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