Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Adelaide’s POV

This morning I woke up before everyone else. I quietly walked out of the room looking at my angel sleeping peacefully and my best friend that was drooling on her pillow, her long black hair messed up. I walked down into the kitchen to find Nolan already there. His short brown hair was messed up, he used to have long hair that reached his ears but now it was cropped short, except the top was longer. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue plaid pajama pants. He looked up at me with his hazel eyes as I walked to the opposite side of the island where he was sitting. We looked at each other for a second in silence. 

I smiled and bit my lip. “So I was thinking that today we could go out and do something. If you wanted to.”

“Yeah, sure, sounds fun.”

I giggled at him as I started boiling water to make hot chocolate. 

“What’s so funny?” He asked.

I turned to him leaning back on the counter. “You don’t sound excited.” 

He sighed. “I’m not a morning person.” 

“Yeah, but this will be the first day of you getting to know your daughter.” I loved saying that, people always said that to me “your daughter”, now I get to say that to Nolan. I wanted to say ‘our daughter’ but that would imply that he would want to stay with me and I didn’t want him thinking that. I wanted him to know that he could spend time with her without having to be with me. Although, I want to be with him still and I worry about him, especially while he’s in the military, but I don’t want to put that on him.

“Yeah,” he smiled. “So what’s the plan?”

“I was thinking that we could go sledding and help Charlie write a letter to Santa, we could decorate the tree and watch holiday movies and drive around looking at the lights.” I smiled. Christmas traditions were my favorite, I love Christmas and now that Charlotte is two she can better appreciate the holiday and won’t need as much help with opening presents, although I love helping her open her gifts on christmas and on her birthday, her face lights up with every present she opens, it’s adorable. 

“That’s a lot for one day.” Nolan said. “Are you sure we can do all that today?”

“Yes, we can get it done, I do it every year.” I smiled. Brody and I would do all of that every year, even before Charlie came into our lives, we didn’t get to when she was only a few months, but we did go last year when she was one. “We do sledding this afternoon, then write letters to Santa, then after that we decorate the tree while watching christmas movies, and last when it’s dark out we drive around looking at christmas lights.”

He nodded. “Okay, sounds great. I guess I’ll go get ready.” 

“We have to wait for everyone to get up and get ready before we can go sledding. My brother would be upset if we went without him, and your siblings would be upset too.” I told him. “But, besides sledding and decorating the tree we can do things, just the three of us.” Saying that made my heart warm, I wanted there to be a ‘three of us’ but I didn’t want that forced on him, he just found out that he has a daughter.


Once everyone ate breakfast I changed into a big white sweatshirt and black leggings, I braided my hair and pulled a beanie on. Then I changed Charlie into a pink sweater and dark purple leggings, then tucked her hair into a beanie. I grabbed our coats, snow pants, gloves, and boots and walked down the stairs to everyone standing there ready to head to the hill nearby that was the best for sledding. 

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