Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Three years later

Adelaide’s POV

These past three years have been the best. The only thing that would have made them better would have been for him to know. I feel terrible that I haven’t told him, he’s written letters to me but I haven’t answered any of them, I would just feel guilty that I never told him, so I don’t write back. His family writes to him, but they said that they haven’t told him anything, Emily has told me that he writes to her about me, that he wishes I would write to him. But Emily knows that I can’t, she understands that I don’t want to keep him from his daughter but it’s the best option for him, he can live the life he wants without him knowing that we’re worrying about him. Although I still do worry about him, that’s why I talk to Emily and Debbie almost everyday, so that I know he is alright. And because they want to see Charlotte.

Charlotte is the most adorable little girl ever. She is sassy and shy and is a total mama’s girl, she likes to be with me more than anyone, even Brody, who is a close second. Charlotte is two years old now and has us all wrapped around her little fingers, and boy does she know it. She looks and acts more like her daddy every day, whenever I look into her beautiful hazel eyes, I see his or when she smiles, I see the same dimples that he has. I want her to know her daddy and for him to know her, but I can’t.

We still live with everyone Brody, Mackenzie, Michael, Jasper, and Caz. But I think Brody and Mack are going to move out once they’re married. That’s right Brody finally proposed, they’re planning to get married in the spring and I can’t wait, I am so happy for them. And they have already asked for Charlotte to be their flower girl and I am going to be Mackenzie’s maid of honor. I am so excited, Mack and I have been planning the wedding since the night he proposed.

I am still going to college, but I mostly take night classes so that I can take care of Charlotte and so I can work. I work as a photographer and a journalist, I love what I do because I can do it from home. The journal I work for is online, I only have to go out for research and when I have a job for photography, I mostly do family and wedding photos and sometimes nature photos.

“Mommy,” Charlotte walked into my room rubbing her eyes. 

“What is it, Baby?” I asked.

She climbed up onto my bed with a little help from me. “I can’t sweep.” She muttered curling up against my side.

“Oh, I’m sorry baby. Do you want to sleep with me?” 

She nodded her tiny head laying against my arm. I wrapped that arm around her and brought her head against my chest. I put down my laptop I was working on and shut off the lamp on my side table. I kissed Charlotte’s head and snuggled up with her.


Charlotte was sitting in front of my mirror as I brushed her caramel hair into little pigtails. She was playing with my makeup that was on the floor in front of her. She put blush on and then started putting on eyeshadow and then lipstick, smearing it all over her cute little chubby face. I tried to not laugh at her adorableness, but I couldn’t help it, she was just too cute. She looked up at me with her wide hazel eyes and dimpled smile. 

“Do I wook pwetty Mama?” 

“Yes, Baby, you are the prettiest little girl ever.” 

She smiled brightly. “I gonna show Uncle Bwody and Aunty Mack.” 

“Okay,” I laughed as she stood up and ran out of my room to go find her uncle and aunty. I stood up and followed after her, she is really good at walking and running but stairs are sometimes hard for her, I don’t want her to fall. I walked over to find her holding on to the stair banister almost to the bottom of the steps. Once there she ran into the kitchen, I walked down the stairs and followed her. Mack and Brody were there, Mack was cooking breakfast and Brody was kneeling down talking to Charlotte. “Yes, you look beautiful, Princess.” 

When I looked up at Mack, I saw that her face was flushed. I walked over to her and whispered, “Were you and Brody making out in front of my daughter?” 

She gasped. “No,” then quieter, “we stopped when she came in.”

I laughed and turned to see Charlotte talking animatedly to Brody about her favorite disney movie, Tangled, her favorite princess is Rapunzel, she loves princesses, her favorites are Rapunzel and Ariel. She always says that she wants to be a princess and a mermaid when she grows up. It’s adorable, I love my baby girl and her beautiful imagination. I don’t have the heart to tell her that that won't happen, but she is already a princess to me and her family. So I’ll let my two year old believe what she wants about them.

“Oh, Debbie called,” Mack said. “She said that Kat, Emily, Drake, and her are coming in four days for the holidays.” 

I nodded.

It’s December only a few weeks from Christmas and they’ve come every year since Charlotte was born, they love to see their little niece, and Charlotte loves each of them. Charlotte heard this news and gasped, smiling wide.

“Yay! Aunties coming! And Dwakey!” She squealed.

“Yep, they’re going to be here for christmas, Lottie.” Mack said.

“Chwistmas!” She smiled and giggled, an adorable sound that I absolutely love. “Awe Nonna and Nonno comin’?”

“They’re coming later, closer to Christmas.” 

“Otay,” Charlotte said. “Awe we gonna get a twee?”

“Yes, when Aunties and Uncle Drake get here.” I replied.

“Yay!” Charlotte is always excited to see her daddy’s family and my mom, she loves her grandparents, she sees Brody and Mack and the boys too often.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed chapter 2!!
I am going to start updating either Wednesdays or Thursdays for this story.

Question: What is your favorite day of the week?

Mine is Thursday, I don't know why I just like Thursdays

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