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Before we begin I just want to say that I wrote this for Christmas so it'll be centered around Christmas time

But anyhow let's begin!


The day I met him there were no clouds in the sky, there was no telling how my life would turn out after the summer I met the love of my life.


For the summer I decided to stay with my best friend Katrina or as I call her Kat Harlyn. We live five hours away from each other, which is too far. Katrina and I met when we were five, in kindergarten, I was really shy and didn't want to talk to anyone, but then Kat came up to me and started talking about the most random things once she had finished she said, "You are my best friend now." Me being the shy five year old I was just nodded and we became the best of friends and would do everything together. Up until three years ago, the end of our junior year, her family moved five hours away. We video call and text each other everyday, but it's not the same as seeing her in person.

The first and main reason I decided to stay with Kat for the summer was because I just wanted to see her and hang out until I had to go home, back to my job and college classes. The second reason I went to live with Kat was to get away from the house full of boys I live in, although I do feel bad that I left Mackenzie alone with all the boys, though she does have her boyfriend.

I live with four boys and Mackenzie, my older brother's girlfriend. We all go to the same college, so we all decided to live together. The first is my brother Brody, then there are my brother's three best friends: the twins; Caz, the ladies man/bad boy, and Jasper (or Jaz) he's a sweetheart and my favorite; then there is Michael (I call him Mikey) he's nice but is always too serious about school. And the last person I live with is Mackenzie (Mack). She's my favorite person ever, she's one year older than me and is my brother Brody's girlfriend. I've already started planning their wedding, they are adorable and she makes my overprotective brother soften and ease up on me.

Oh! I almost forgot myself. My name is Adelaide, but my friends call me Addie. I am nineteen and am taking my generals in college for right now, since I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life. I have a light skin tone and caramel colored blond hair and blue eyes, I have freckles and glasses. I like the way I look, sometimes, I do have my insecurities, like everyone. I have a round face that makes me look younger than I am, which is why I hate it. People think I am sixteen while I am actually nineteen. I've been hit on by a few guys that are sixteen or even fifteen years old, I hate my round baby face, I'm hoping for my face to slim out during my twenties, at least.

Anyway, enough about me, the five hour drive to Kat's was tiresome until her house came into view. The bright yellow paint and red door came into view, her mother loved bright colors she probably painted the house bright yellow in order to be able to always find it, she can be a bit spacey sometimes. I parked in the driveway, grabbed my bag from the back seat and walked up to the bright red door.

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