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Outside the conference room door, Ryouma could hear Nanako's crying voice. It seems like she's telling everyone inside the room a bunch of lies, and since everyone hates him except Satoru, they're probably going to believe those words.

Ryouma sighed, opening the door. He saw the eyes of contempt the moment he entered the room, but he didn't care at all.

"What happened to Mimiko?" Suguru asked, trying to contain his anger.

Ryouma lean his back against the wall. "She was devoured by zombies, her own sister pushed her to save herself. Didn't Nanako tell you that?"

Suguru glared at Ryouma, "Stop lying to save your own skin, Nanako already told us that you pushed Mimiko so the zombies could eat her, and that she almost died too."

Ryouma narrow his eyebrows, pretending to be confused. "That's absurd, why would I push Mimiko? I barely know her."

"Don't deny it!" Nanako yelled. "I saw everything! You pushed Mimiko so the zombies could eat her, and you were laughing. Besides, why would I kill Mimiko? She didn't do anything wrong."

Suguru clenched his fists, he was furious. "You bastard! How could you kill an innocent person just like that?"

Ryouma sigh, tired of explaining himself. "Enough, I didn't push Mimiko nor laughed at her death."

"Stop lying!" Suguru approach Ryouma, grabbing him by the shirt collar.

However, Satoru stepped in and separated both males from each other.

"That's enough, fighting won't solve anything. Let's calm down." Satoru tried to ease the situation.

"Stay out of this, Satoru." Suguru glared at him.

Ryouma click his tongue, pushing Suguru away. "Stop believing Nanako's lies, she killed her own sister because she wanted to save herself."

Nanako cover her mouth with both hands, pretending to be surprised. "How dare you accuse me of something like that? I would never hurt Mimiko."

Ryouma roll his eyes, finding Nanako irritating. "You're more disgusting than I thought."

Nanako glare at Ryouma, "Shut your mouth, I bet you're the real culprit. You killed Miwa and Mimiko."

Everyone inside the conference room agreed with Nanako, thinking that she's right. Ryouma felt disgusted, they were blaming him for something he didn't do.

"I didn't kill Miwa, but Mimiko was indeed killed by Nanako." Ryouma confessed.

Everyone widened their eyes in shock, Nanako cover her face with both hands, pretending to cry. Suguru clenched his fists, glaring at Ryouma.

"Liar, Nanako would never do something like that." Riko defended her.

Ryouma laughed, growing impatient. "I saw it all with my own eyes, Nanako pushed Mimiko so the zombies would eat her. And you know what's funny? You're all such idiots."

Nanako remove the hands covering her face, glaring at Ryouma. "Shut up! You pushed Mimiko, not me. Stop lying!"

Ryouma ignored Nanako, concentrating on Satoru. "Satoru, I hope you believe my words, after all, you are the only one in this room who doesn't hate me."

Satoru would never believe Nanako's words, he knows Ryouma better than that girl, and he is not the kind of person who would kill someone for fun.

""I know you didn't push Mimiko, you're not that kind of person." Satoru smiled slightly at Ryouma, reassuring him.

Nanako gasp, widening her eyes in shock. "Satoru, how can you believe his words? He pushed Mimiko."

Satoru shake his head, "Ryouma wouldn't do something like that, plus, he's not a liar."

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