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Late morning came around and this afternoon we would be decorating the tree since last night got a bit carried away. Barely got any sleep last night since the floor wouldn't stop creaking making it seem as if someone was walking all around the house trying to be discreet.

I roll out of bed and get ready to head downstairs, the smell of the fresh tree roaming around the living room traveling to the kitchen. Sam and Moon are chatting and leaning on the counter with a pen and paper by them.

"Morning guys" I say rubbing my eye trying to get it to fully open

"Morning" Sam looks up with bags in her eyes

"How much sleep did you get" I say surprised by the tired look displayed on her face

"Doug and I kinda got into it last night" Sam says disappointed

"Aw mind if I ask why?" I try to listen to her

"He basically didn't exactly like what she got him for christmas" Moon jumps in the convo

"How so?" I say confused knowing Sam gets the bests presents

"She got him a punching bag with a cobra and on the bottom it says 'From your bonsai to my cobra' and their sensei found out since she delivered it to Cobra Kai dojo" Moon explains while I grab a mug from the cabinet

"I see no problem with it, it was a nice touch in my opinion" I pour coffee in the mug from the kettle

"Do you not know where we're from or.." Moon says

"The Valley?" I say confused

"Exactly the Valley" Eli walks in looking tired as ever

"Cobra Kai with Miyagi Do don't mix" Miguel says taking my coffee mug from the table

"Hey that was..whatever" I say getting quieter

"I don't even know why Rickenberger would date Sam..no offense" Eli says noticing how his comment would be offensive

"Hey" I slap Eli's arm

"Whatever, but i'm not letting any sensei come between Doug and I" Sam rolls her eyes heading up stairs

"Mia were leaving in 10" Sam shouts while she's jogging up the stairs

"Where exactly are we going" I ask Moon who's lovingly staring at Miguel who's focus is on Eli

"Grocery shopping Mimi, today is the dinner" Moon smiles at me while she slides the paper over having every ingredient and measuring's

Grocery List
-Whole chicken
-Garlic ...

The list goes on with stuff we need for tonight's dinner.. Moon and I discuss about what's going to play out today.

"The guys and Yasmine are on tree duty" Moon says pausing

"I talked to Yasmine la-" I cut her off

"It's okay let's just not talk about it, it's our last night here" I say trying to get back onto the original subject

"Which we should make the most out of" Eli says joining the conversation

"He's right, so Eli and I will come with to town this idiot forgot to bring some decent clothes" Miguel shoves his elbo in Eli

"Are you serious?" Moon sounds upset while I let out a giggle

"Ouch you dumb-fuck" Eli slaps Miguel in the back of the head

"I texted the group chat to bring a set of decent elegant clothes" Moon whines

"It's okay babe we're gonna stop by a store and so should you guys" Miguel puts his mug which was originally mine in the sink while he gives Moon a kiss on top of her head and rubs her shoulders

"Mia did you bring something" Moon says

I give her a certain look to not physically say no and disappoint her since since she's been planning these days like crazy and today was our last day.

"You see great minds think alike" Eli points at me happily

"They do.." I say confused while getting the tight knot in my stomach knowing he was happy we did something alike

"But it's okay Yasmine bought me a black sweater" I say trying to cheer Moon up

"A sweater...what part of elegant do you guys not get?" Moon says walking towards the front door

"Get ready we're leaving now!" Moon demands

Eli gets up from his seat while both Moon and Miguel are putting on their shoes.

"Mimi can you pass me the sweeper from the hallway closet? These triplets don't know how to dust their shoes off" Moon says annoyed

"Yea wait up" I walk towards the hallway and open the closet when I feel a sensation

"Brucks didn't mean what he said" Eli whispers to me

"Oh jeez you scared me" I put my hand on my chest

"Wait what?" I say confused after I get a grip of what's going on

"He knows that I-..He's just not in the right mind" Eli quickly corrects himself

"I don't care what Brucks really said Eli" I reassure him

"I talked to Yasmine last night about her acting out" Eli says seriously in a quiet tone

"It's okay she was just doing her job as a girlfriend" I grab the sweeper

"Girlfriend huh" Eli scoffs

"The sweeper won't walk itself to-" Moon walks into the hallway looking and Eli and I

Eli quickly backs away from me and looks shocked at Moons discovery, two people having a civil conversation.

"I'll wait up front" Eli walks away passing Moon

Moon looks back making sure he was far enough for no one to notice she's about to freak out

"What the heck was that" Moon comes closer to me as we go deeper into the hallway

"Nothing we were just you know..He just brought up last night" I smile at Moon

Only if she knew we've done much more than simply 'talk'. Reminiscing on the time the house was completely empty with just two bodies dancing and swaying their bodies to endless songs for a moment that felt like eternity but in reality was quicker than a snap on the fingers.

"Cmon guys were gonna be late if we don't leave" Sam shouts

"We better go" I tell Moon

"Oh we're getting you so dolled up for this dinner" Moon says excited

"Pass.." I say walking over the the rack filled with coats

"Why did no one tell me we were playing smash and pass" Miguel says jokingly offended

"Definitely smash on-" Miguel taps on Eli's chest

"I'm driving" Eli cuts off Miguel, while fixing the collar of his coat

"Shot gun" Sam says

"Seats reserved for Mia" Eli says opening the door

"I'm definitely not going in the middle" Miguel laughs putting his arm around Moons shoulder

"You definitely are" Moon smiles up at Miguel

Oh how in love Moon is with Miguel and the other way around. Miguel truly deserves her after never giving up nor thinking of giving up on winning Moon over. All he talks about is having conversation to the literal moon thanking it for giving him Moon.

"Let's get this show on the road" Eli says closing the door behind me


last chapter got so much more positive feed back than I expected LOLOLOL

vote and comment if you enjoy!

update: yall i've been so insecure lately (IM NOT FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS) but i've seen like anna todd getting loads of hate that she made a fan fiction and i'm scared like besties....I ONLY WRITE FOR THE FUN OF IT PLS DONT HATE ME

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