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I didn't know what I was feeling at the moment. I just know the knot in my stomach had exploded which caused the feeling to travel all throughout my body, making me feel tensed and hot. When I was looking up at him it was like a feeling of dominance on his end. Never in a million years did I think I was going to be obeying Eli Moskowitz.

I sat down in the chair and scooted myself in as he slowly slouched on his chair. I can feel his legs extended between my legs. The papers are all scattered on the table. I reach over the rubric for the paper I was previously telling him about. His eyes never left me, every moment they followed. Our breathing had matched and paced at the same time. We mirrored each other's actions, he sighed I sighed, he made eye contact, I made eye contact, He crossed his arms and so did I. It was as if we were in sync. Eli Moskowitz.

We finally got through the 4 hours of excruciating studying and making up work in each others presence. I had gotten up from my seat to stretch when I said..

"I'll be back I need to use the bathroom" I walked out through the narrow door onto the main library

I make my way to the nearest bathroom which isn't too far when I notice I left my phone in my bag which Eli has.

The school is empty since it is a Friday and about 4:00, the school closes down at 7:00 since sports and extra curricular classes.

I do my business and exit the restroom after washing my hands, my stomach grumbles in hunger. I figured Eli and I have been here since 10:00 with no lunch break and no progress in his essay. I head to the vending machines to grab us some pretzels.

I walk back into the main library going through the narrow door again to lock eyes with Eli again. I hand him the bag of pretzels I brought him.

"Can we just do this tonight and grab something  to eat?" He asked

"Eli we've been here for about 6 hours we haven't even gotten the first paragraph done." I tell Eli

"We both know we're hungry, can we just go grab a slice of pizza" He has his pouty face on

Honestly how could I ever say no to those innocent eyes of Eli

"Ugh...Pizza then straight to the public library" I look him dead in the eyes

"Done deal" Eli extends his hand to shake mine

I reach over the desk to shake his hand when he tightly grips my hand as i'm in owe, while making eye contact.I snatch my hand back from him breaking the contact we had by scrambling all the papers together and shoving them in my binder.

"Let me drive" Eli reaches down to get bag from under his seat and swinging it over his arm when he reaches out his hand signaling to hand him my keys

I'm hesitant to even do so until I give in and point to my bag

"They are in my bag" I'm very nervous at this point

"It's not the first time I drive your car you don't have to worry" He smirks

"Yea after last time? I'll be praying on our way to the parlor" I giggle

"I promise, that was the first and last time Mia" Eli had a serious tone in his voice

All I can really do is look up at him and just smile.

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