Chapter 1 - Dread.

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Mackenzie's POV

I climb out of bed and sigh. School again today. I hate it, it's not the lessons, it's the girls. Asia. She has bullied me from the day I met her. I shouldn't let it get to me, I know, but it's not like anyone cares. Everyone loves Asia. I walk into my bathroom and glance into the mirror. Worthless I think to myself. I sigh, picking up the blade next to my sink, I slice deep into my skin 3 cuts. They bleed. No one cares. I go downstairs late so I can avoid eating...

Maddie's POV

I'm worried about mackenzie. She isn't herself at all! She hides in her room, is pale and thin, won't eat and looks as if anything would break her. I hope she's ok...

Mackenzie's POV

We arrive at school and. Go straight to my locker, head down. With any luck, I won't run into Asia. As I'm opening my locker, I hear a familiar voice. " oh look, it's the pathetic loner from loserville" she sniggers " f**k off b**h no one likes you" she adds. " ugly, fat gross wh**e " she calls as she walks away. I get my things from my locker. She waits at the end of the hallway. I walk past her, but she hooks her foot around my ankle and I fall flat on my face. She then waits till I stand up to slap my face and punch me as hard as she can in the eye. She laughs sweetly and trills " hurry up kenzie wouldn't want to be late " she leaves laughing. I groan, slowly picking up my things. I can't open my eye, and there is blood trickling down the side of my face. I retreat to the bathroom. Tears trickling down my face. I take the blade. 'Slice, slice, slice, ugly, fat, wh**e' I cut deeper. Blood runs down my wrist. It doesn't stop. " no one cares " I say to my pathetic reflection as I leave the bathroom. The day carries on. I pick up a few more injuries along the way. Some more cuts too. The only thing that worries me is that the blood doesn't stop.
At lunch I grab an apple. " ewwww " calls Asia from another table " fat b**ch is eating?! Gross " I don't eat it and spend the rest of my lunch break trying to hide from Asia. Dreading every encounter.

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