Chapter 9

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Blake's POV

It was NEVER christens fault her mother died, it was that fucking fuck of a dad she had, and she needs to get that through her head. I lover and all but she can't do this to her self again, she can't CUT again, she can't NOT EAT again, she can't LOCK HERSELF IN HER ROOM again.

As soon as we got into the taxi she started crying and saying it was her fault. " B-Blake I-it was m-my fa-fault she d-d-died, I killed my mom". " shhhh shh shh hey hey it was NOT your fault, HE was the one that cheated on your mom, HE was was the one that almost beet you to death, and HE was the one that abused BOTH OF YOU, HE was the one that yelled at her every day, it was ALL HIM.

Your sleeping over at my house for the week, and no BUT'S missy, okay... I need you, i need you safe with me, i need you safe in this fucking fucked up story of our life ... promiss me you wont ever leave me... ever". By the time I was done telling her that it was not her fault and for not to leave me ever I was crying like the little pussy I am, but it looked like she believed me and that she would not leave."

Hey i promess, I'll never leave you, and youll never be lonely". about 3 min after are little moment the taxi driver turned the radio on and Lost boy started too play.

there was a time, when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home.

My only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he would go away to.

then one night i closed my eyes, i saw a shado flying high.

He came to me with the sweetest smile, told me he wanted to talk for awhile.

He said " Peter pan thats what they call me, I promise that youll never be lonely", and ever since that day

Run, run, lost boy thats what they say to me away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boy like me, and lost boy like me are free.

He sprinkeld me in pixi dust and tould me to believe, believe in him, and believe in me, together we will fly away in the clouds of green

I am a lost boy from Neverland usually hanging out with peter pan, and when were bored we play in the woods, always on the run from captain Hook

as we soared above the town that never loved me I realized I finally have a family

soon enough we reached Neverland peacefully my feet hit the sand, and ever since thaat day

I am a lost boy from neverland usually hanging out with peter pan, and when were bored we play in the woods,always on the run from captain Hook

Run, run, lost boy thats what they say to me away from all of reality.

Neverland is home to lost boy like me, and lost boy like me are free.

Peter Pan,Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling even Captin Hook you are my perfect storybook, Neverland I love you so you are now my home sweet home forever a lost boy at last.

Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling even Captin Hook you are my perfect storybook, Neverland I love you so you are now my home sweet home forever a lost boy at last.

and forever i will say, I am a lost boy from neverland usually hanging out with peter pan, and when were bored we play in the woods, always on the run from captain Hook, Neverland is home to lost boy like me, and lost boy like me are free, Neverland is home to lost boy like me, and lost boy like me are free.

By the time the song has finished I hade cried even more if that is even possible. We quickly said hi to my mum and dad then walked upstairs to my room. I walked christen into my room and carried her to my bed because she fell asleep in the car to lost boy. After I put her in I pulled down my skinnies and unbutton my top, then climbed into bed with christen and fell asleep.

*next day( Monday )*

KNOCK KNOCK KNO- " Oh hey honey, sorry I forgot about the alarm clock and to get a new one for you, but anyway I made breakfast so when you and christen are done getting ready for school come down and eat, smooches love ya sweet cheeks. oh and I won't be coming home to night so I left 20 dollars on the kitchen table for dinner". After mom left I woke up christen and told her what my mom said, then went to my bathroom and took a shower. After my shower tould Christen that she could go shower. As i walked into my closet I traced my left hand along my belts, Tops, Band tee's and skinnies. After about 2 mins of looking at my clothing I took out my Black riped skinnies, a PTV band tee and black converse. As soon as Christen came out of the bathroom she had on purple skinnies, black top and black vans in her hand. " Hey do you feel better, because you don't need all this shit in your life''. '' yeah... i do but not by that much''." you know what wee need to do, we need to find you a girlfriend or boyfriend because who would not want a pice of this fine ass". After me trying to get Christen to go on a speed date fo BI people she finally said yes and that we needed to get to school. Uggghhhh grate, today is a MONDAY and i have MATH, eww what kind of life is this. As soon as i got in to math class and sat in my spot I zoned out of the lesson, just as I will in my other classes except lunch and music. " Okay class to day we have a new student in our class and this fine young man will introduce him self to you''. '' Um okay sooo my name is Bill kaulitz, im BI but like bous more and my fav bands are PTV, BVB and SWS''. After Bill introduced himself he sat right beside me.

''You know ill get you back, you'll be mine again and i wont stop till i get you''. '' No you wont EVER get ME back, because I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS, SLUTTY, MAN HORE OF A EX, YOULL NEVER GET MY BACK''. I yelled at his and all the heads turned in my direction looking shocked as fuck and I ran out with christin on my back.

'' BLAKE COME BACK''. As soon as i herd the sadness and pity, god I hate it when people pity me, but I stopped so christen could walk up toe and then we talked in the hall way till Music came around not giving two fucks we ditched most will all of our classes.

A/N: Hey sorry I have not updated on a long time and that's my righting a crappy as fuck. comment or DM me and tell me if you think I should delete the whole book. but anyhore the song is called lost boy by Ruth B.

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