chapter 6 - Remembered part 2

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A/N: Holy shit my second update in one day lol. i just want to say thankyou to my like 30 readers and pls comment if you like the book and vote thank you, lol im such a freek.


Blake's POV

why in the hell is bill calling me, i cant believe he has the decincy to call me after 2 years. im so mad right now, this bitch thinks he can come back in to my life and fuck up everything right when im happy, ohh hell no bitch. " WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU CALLING ME AFTER 2 YEARS, WHY BILL WHY"! Right now i dont even give a damn if the whole of china can here me yelling at the bastered who broke my heart, UUUGGGHHH why, Why, Why. "Im so sorrly Blake I really am, I sorrry for breaking your heart, I'm so sorry for cheating on you with tom, Im so sorry for running away with him, im soooo sorry, pleas i want yo back, ple-".


"Yeay yeah yeah shut up alreadt chris (A/N: chris is short form for christen) I have to go see my babay Bill, your going to make me late and you know what, ITS OUR MOTTHERFUCKING ANAVERSARY BITCCCHH, I cant waight to go give him his gift".

" Haha Okay Okay, I'll let you go but I Want you to tell me everything on Monday okay, baiii have fun with bill". I kissed christen on the cheek and started walking to maggies corner store to get some white wine, chocklet and red roses.

After that I was about to knock on my beautfull boyfriends dore when I heard moning, so I thought he was just masterbating like the horrny dog he is so I walked into his room. I dropped the wine, flowers and chocklet and gasped at the sight and then started crying.

" Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck fuck blake im so sorry baby, im so so so so so so sorry". N-no you-ur not, -y-you dont L-l-l-love me, y-you ch-cheeted on me on our an-annivererasry, I-I FUCKING HATE YOU".

" haha your right Idont love you, you pice of shit, I love tom, dont I tom". Tom shook his head in a yes moction and then kissed bill. 5 seconends after they kissed i slaped bill and ran with all of my energy to christens house and tolder every thing.

*Flashback over*

I could not belive whats happing right now, this bitch, I swear im going to ct a bitch of he keeps on talking! " NO NO NO NO NONONO you cant just say you sorry after 2 fucking years, uugggh what the hell youre dead to me, now fuck off and never call me AGAIN!

I yelled at him with all the anger i have left i me. i hung up the ohone and drove a short 3 mins over to christens house full of rage.

"I fucking hate him". i yelled walkig into christens room. " Calm the fuck down and tell me what the fuck happend". chrhisten looked at me with a confused expression. " its Bill, he called me and asked me to for give him, OH MY BLOODY GOD im going to kill him, I fucking hate him"!

I yelled at Christen directing all my anger towards her. I did not meen to direct it all to her, but it just happend. " i sorry im directing all my anger at you its just that im sooo pissed, i meen he can't just come into my life and say he wants me back, is he crazy or somthing". "You know what call tyler and tell min youll have to move the date till saturday". Oh shit,shit,shit I totally for got about Tyler I should text him.

Hey baby I'm so so so sorry my ex just called me and wants to get back together but don't you worry your sweet little ass, I told him no. but christen wants to talk about it so can we move the date to Saturday. I'm so sorry Babe :(

From:Tyler 😘
Hey babe it's okay. how about you come to my house we eat some ice cream and you tell me all about it okay. :)

The only way I'll go is if christen can come to and if she says yes then I'll go.

" Hey Chris Tyler said we can go to his house and talk about it and eat some ice cream to, so what do you say". I asked with hope that she would say yes and to my lock she did.

To Tyler :
She said yes so I'll be on my way and she wants mint ice cream .

A/N: Sorry for the short ass chapter, i just heve family shit goingon in my life right now but ill still updat for my like 30 readers the song for this chapter is fashionable late by falling in reverse comment what your fav band is, like and vote.

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