About the Author

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"Look how white he's gone," says Sarah. I think I'm going to throw up.'

'... sensation of my brain slowly sliding down my neck.'

'It was just my brains that felt like they'd spent half an hour in the hands of the chef from Sesame Street.'

It's a real shame (tragedians have their own vocabulary) to initiate a description of an author's life with an outline of his demise: cannabis-induced psychosis, as prefigured by his own non-medical terminology from the unfinished novel you've probably just finished reading.

It's an addictive drug for many users and devastating for a certain proportion. Ed's ambitions gave way to suicidal disorder which inspired him to escape his earthly woes via the River Thames, on 16th June 2003.

So with that basic 'don't do it kids' message out of the way, Ed's talent (or a worthy indication of it) is now preserved and presented the Wattpad way: which seems 'ideal' for these type of circumstances.

As to Ed himself ... 'about' the author?

Well, anyone who almost knew him would usually receive the blandest of answers upon enquiry into just about any aspect of his life.

Even his closest circle of friends knew better than to pry; an experience which could best be described as receiving your curiosity returned in a lovely little box wrapped with a ribbon.

I've no idea how much of 'The Ascendant' is based on real events. Let's just say it's particularly well-researched and that 'Ben Lagman' is unmistakably, Ed Gilheany (right of picture).

Enjoy his memory the next time you're halfway through a refreshing pint of lager and always keep looking up : )

John Gilheany


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