Chapter 7 - Darkness From Above

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"Marcel" I whisper to catch his attention. His head turns to me almost immediately despite the noise of the busy street. I wave him over. "I've thought about what you proposed"

"That's good" He's distracted, looking all around the street without sparing a glance at me. "But Davina is missing"

"I know" That catches his attention. "I saw her earlier. She's running from you, she thinks you betrayed her by not telling her Agnes died" He looks frustrated and his hands turn into knuckles, ready to punch something. "Marcel, if you help me getting her away from Klaus, I'll take you to her"

"I'm working with Elijah to do the same thing" Elijah approaches us and looks at me with suspicion. "She's helping us. Kieran is gonna call me first thing if he hears anything" A chill runs down my spine as Klaus Mikaelson joins us.

"Ah, you two look rather cozy" He looks at me with narrowed eyes. "And with a witch at that"

"She's helping us track Davina. And me and Elijah are not cozy, I'm just telling him how this is a waste of time" Marcel goes back to searching for Davina all around, pretending not to be scheming against the hybrid next to him.

"You don't like festivals?" He asks, almost amused.

"I don't see why not, who doesn't love a street fair" Rebekah pops up beside her brother. Her eyes skim my outfit quickly but she turns around to face Marcel.

"Sister, come to help us find our stray?" Klaus smirks. If the stories weren't true about him, the lack of smiles and too many smirks would already tell me he's the evil guy in the group.

"We can't let your secret weapon get in the wrong hands, can we?" She smiles with a calculating look. She's scheming something.

"For the record, we're moments away from retrieving her" His smile seemed to be permanently sketched on his face. If I hadn't seen him cry or rage at his siblings before I'd think the mask he put up was perfect.

"I recognize that tone of voice, Niklaus. Clearly you have some diabolical machination. What is it?" Elijah asks, looking around. This was getting me nervous. I needed to get Davina away from the witches but choosing the lesser evil, Marcel, seemed to be tied to a psychopathic hybrid.

Klaus leaves us, not going too far and stopping a passerby. When I notice who it is I gasp in both fear and surprise. Tonight was not ending well.

"Timothy" The monster calls him and puts a hand on his shoulder, looking straight into the boy's eyes. "Might I have a word?" I look at Marcel in panic. If they harm Tim, Davina will have their heads.


"Marcel, Davina will kill you all for this. Klaus is insane, this is no way of making allies!" I shriek. We were running to St.Anne's Church after Father Kieran called us to tell about the bunch of crazy dead witches in his aisle. "He's a child!"

"Klaus won't kill him. He's too good of a leverage. Don't worry, Tim will be safe" Now there's how to calm me down.


When we went inside the witches were sprawled everywhere. I bit my lip when I recognized them from years ago and looked around until Marcel and I heard a gasp for air.

"Sabine!" I run to help her but Marcel holds me back.

"Oh, hello. Let me guess- protection spell?" Marcel asks with a smirk.

"You think I'd let a day where witches can do magic pass by without one?" She groans as she sits up and looks at her fallen friends with sad eyes. "They all should've done the same" I'm sensing something weird coming from her. She was never this powerful, her magic is radiating. Especially now with the Harvest lowering our powers she shouldn't be like this.

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