Chapter 7:

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Author's POV

It was the next morning all of the Newsies were waiting in Newsie Square. Jack and the other Newsies nervously begin to assemble. As Davey and Les arrive, Davey pulls Jack aside.

"Is anyone else coming?" Davey says, looking around at the small crowd.

"Don't got a clue." Jack says with an angry expression.

"Youse seen Spot Conlon, right? What'd he say?" Race says hitting Jack's shoulder. Jess swings from the scaffolding, trying to stay out of the conversation.

"Sure we seen him. Him and about twenty of his gang." Jack says rolling his sleeves up.

"And them Brooklyn boys is big." Les says.

"And I gotta say, Spot was very impressed. Wasn't he?" Jack asks Davey.

"I'd say." Davey shrugs.

"So they're with us?" Specs asks. Davey shrugs.

"That all depends on how you look at it. If you look and see Brooklyn, then they're with us." Davey scratches his head.

"They wanted proof we're not gonna fold at the first sign of trouble." Jack says.

"Are we?" Finch asks. Jack scoffs.

"We are not! There's us and Harlem-"

"Not so fast, boss. Harlem wants to know what Brooklyn's gonna do." Mush says. Jess huffs.

"How about Queens?" Jack asks.

"Queens will be right here backing us up-"Specs gets cut off by Jack.

"Ya see!"

"... as soon as they get the nod from Brooklyn." Specs finishes.

"I got the same fish-eye in midtown."

"Spot did say something interesting.." Les starts. The boys turn to him. "He said that he would help if we can get his sista home." Jess' eyes widen.

"He's got a sista?" Albert asks.

"Yeah, she ran away a few years back. Spot didn't give a name but the Brooklyn boys say she was real fetching." Race says. Jess rolls her eyes. The Delancey's walk by on their way to work.

"Say, Oscar, looks like we got bum information about a strike happenin' here today. Not that I'm complainin'. My skull bustin' arm could use a day of rest." Morris says before moving on.

"Are we doing the right thing?" Les asks.

"Sure we are." Davey says patting his brother's back.

"Maybe we put this off a couple a days?" Race says walking away.

"No. We can't..." The boys walk around nervously. Jess drops from the scaffolding and turns to Jack. "Say something. Tell them if we back off now they will never listen to us again." Jess says desperately.

"We can't back down now. No matter who does or doesn't show. Like it or not, now is when we take a stand." Jack says to the boys.

"How's about we just don't show for work? That'll send a message." Finch says.

"They'll just replace us. They need us to stand our ground." Jess says. She turns to Davey. "C'mon, Davey. Tell 'em." Davey nods his head. On the spot, timidly begins a pep talk.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 • 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now