Chapter 4:

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Jess' POV

I rejoiced in the streets. I finally sold my last pape. Now on a normal day I would have sold the bad boys almost immediately but I got stuck with a tougher crowd. Les seemed to sell his with ease. Guess that what happens when you an "adorable, innocent child."

Anyways. After the terrible day I had I decided to treat myself. I spot a deli across the street. I could really go for a sandwich right now. When I get inside I order me a turkey and cheese sandwich. May be plain and simple to some but to me it was a treat compared to the crap we get at home. I sit down at a table in the corner and start to eat. I glance over at another table and see Pulitzer and the woman Jack was flirting with earlier. What in the world is she doing with him?

"Look, Katherine it's nothing personal. It's business. Yes the Newsies will have to sacrifice but it would give you a good story to publish." What the heck? Sacrifice what?

"Do you realize how hard those kids work? This is what they do not only for a living but to get by." Pulitzer huffs and stands.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'll see you soon hopefully." He exits out the door. I glance back at Katherine. She placed a hand over her forehead and huffs. Yep, she's frustrated. She makes eye contact with me. I quickly snap my head in another direction. I see her stand and walk towards me.

(Author's POV)

"You're Jess Conlon, the Newsie right?" Jess' eyes widen. She shushes Katherine.

"Aye!  Pipe down, will ya." Jess looks around before looking back to Katherine.

"Sorry, I just thought you were Spot's sister." Jess lifts a brow at her.

"How did you know that?" Katherine huffs.

"He asked me to put you in the paper a while back. He was trying to find you. In all honesty, I've been watching you for a few weeks now. Why does it matter so much?" Katherine asks.

"It matters because I ran away. I clearly don't want to be found." Jess huffs as she gets up to leave. Katherine chases her out the door.

"Hey! I'm not done with you. I need to get you to Spot. He clearly misses you." Katherine says grabbing ahold of Jess' arm.

"If he wants to talk to me so bad, then he can come kidnap me himself. I refuse to see him right now. I am at the peak of my newspaper selling career and I ain't bouta risk it for them no good Brooklyn scoundrels." Katherine rolls her eyes.

"Look I'll keep quiet on one condition." Jess huffs. "I need you to help me at the theater. I have to go write a review and to be honest I strongly dislike corny shows. I just need you to write the bullet point moments." Jess thinks for a second before nodding.

"Alright fine! Now can I please leave." Katherine nods. They both turn and go their separate ways. Jess turns a corner and is startled by Jack Kelly. She glares at the boy as he starts to laugh.

"Jack, you have got to quit scarin me like that." Jess pushes his shoulder.

"Got ya." Jack teases, as he boops her nose. Jess hides her blush and keeps walking. "Hey I'm not done with you." Jack says twirling her around.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 • 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now