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"Remind me why you thought building a glass roof was a good idea?" Y/D chuckled as the stray cyber-cats were shown to be brawling through the glass. Ratchet moved his helm from out of her neckcables and sighed at the sight, sitting up on the berth as his resting but young appendages cracked with fatigue.

"By the allspark I can't have ONE peaceful night with my femme." Ratchet said, grabbing the spare broom next to the berth from every other night that there was some sort of different problem with the glass roof view.

"Scram" he said so mono-toned, banging the handle to the glass. The glass was thick, but the vibrations from the broom could still travel, sending the kitties running every which way.

"Ah come on. I was close to just going up there and smuggling them both." Y/D joked, stretching her arms out for Ratchet, who willingly crawled back into the berth and into her arms, snuggling back into the warmth she always provided.

"Not happening." Ratchet said, getting situated.

"How about a turbo fox?" Y/D asked, rubbing his helm with her free servo.

"Too messy, and it has sharp denta. I wouldn't want it to bite you or something." He muttered.


"-needs a lot of attention." He filled in.

The room filled with silence for a second, Y/D rubbing his helm still.

"Helio-hamster? They're too cute, I'm eager to hear your excuse Mr. Grouch." Y/D said with a chuckle, watching the stars twinkle through the glass roof.

"Y/D, those little rodents are so fragile the smallest sound of a wrench falling would startle the thing, causing premature failure. It'd have a spark-attack and offline within the week....you know how loud you get sometimes."

Ratchet's comment had him both laughing and dodging Y/D's servos as she slapped him on the back of the helm.

"Like it or not, but I'm not taking that one back." Ratchet laughed harder, snuggling back into Y/D's grip.

"Don't be a grouch." Ratchet said, mimicking his lover's words. Y/D rolled her optics and lovingly let him snuggle back into her.

"You're nice and warm." Ratchet muffled into her neck cables. "Are you burning up?"

"Nono, I'm fine." She whispered to him.

"Are you sure?" Ratchet asked, moving to look at her now, his left servo unwrapped her torso and went straight to her forehelm, feeling the heat radiate off the hot metal.

Y/D's vents hitched as she felt the energon rush to her faceplates. She couldn't hide her blush now, but she sure could ignore it.

"Hmm, what about a cuddly little petro-bunny?" Y/D played with the pet questions. "Just think, we could make the colorful tubes run all through the hab-suite and living room as we work."

"Now I know you're delusional." Ratchet chuckled, holding his sparkmate closer. "You really want some other kind of company then me, hm? Am I really that boring?" He laughed.

"Jealous much, Ratch? Come on, just admit it." Y/D muttered, rubbing his helm like she always does.

"Oh nonono, sweetspark I'm the farthest thing from being a jealous mech." Ratchet said sarcastically, pulling the sheets up to his chestplating.

"Mhm, sure." Y/D said, laughing and moving a little farther down as she too pulled the sheets up higher.

Her optics watched the shooting star dart across the night sky, swallowing the lump in her voice box as her nervousness came shining through. The light blue blush stayed painted on her cheekplates, getting darker in color as the minutes ticked by. The atmosphere was silently awkward.

"What about a sparkling then?" Y/D said nervously, almost sounding like a quiet whisper as she stroked the stiffness out of his backstrut. She felt her mech tense up under her as he raised his helm almost immediately after the words left her dermas.

"A...sparkling? Y/D...are you?"

"No, it was just a thought, maybe something to look forward to in the future. That's if you wanted a sparkling and all.." Y/D started to ramble.

He wouldn't admit it, but he was a little disappointed when we heard her say she wasn't sparked. It took a good minute to register this information before the smile really drifted onto his dermas.

"I would love to start a family with you, sweetspark. Have been for a while now." Ratchet admitted, moving a little with his elbow-joints up to kiss her dermas, locking them together with his before he disconnected. "So that's where the 'pet' talk came in, hm?"

'Nope, I still want a pet too."

"Cute, but it's not gonna happen dear."

Y/D rolled her optics again. It would take some convincing, but she knew she could work her charm and magic to her advantage if she really wanted to. And just like that, she started to settle back into her normal self again.

Ratchet moved them so they both were looking up at the inky night sky, the time way past their non-existent berthtime. He quickly kissed her forehelm, nuzzling up and becoming as clingy as ever. She was his world, and he was hers.

"Would I...be a good sire?" Ratchet whispered, that noticeable weeping sound echoed through his words.

"Are you kidding? Ratch, you'd be the best sire known to Cybertron itself. Your spark is so big and yet you seem to forget every time I remind you of it. I think, and tell me if I'm wrong, that you would be the type of sire you never had. Strict for good reason, and soft at the same time when needed. One that teaches our sparkling right from wrong in your own unique way you don't know yet, and one that our sparkling will look up to their whole existence."

Ratchet cringed at the mention of his own sire, a mech whom left a hole in his spark for a long time before he healed it himself. A mech he vowed he'd never be like. No sparkling should have to grow up like he did, but in a way he was glad he was raised as he was. It changed his perspective of what a sire really is, other than a title given to you. It takes you to make the real meaning of a "sire" come alive.

A smile dusted his dermas once again. No words were needed to be said as the tears threatened to fall from the corner of his dimmed optics. He gently kissed her helm.

"Primus, I'm scared to be a carrier. With you being the best sire on Cybertron my title goes down the drain." Y/D joked, seeing Ratchet chuckle a little.

"No, don't say that. If you convinced me to be the best sire, then I'm sure you'll be the best carrier alongside me, no explanation required. Our sparlings will be lucky to have such a femme in their existence, and they don't even know it yet."

"You always know just what to say."

Ratchet chuckled. "I suppose I do. And believe me when I say I'm absolutely in love with you, falling deeper and deeper every minute."

"Oh, that I know for sure." Y/D smiled, kissing his dermas for the last time that night as her optics fluttered closed. They exchanged goodnights as Ratchet's optics soon too closed, both holding each other close.

Irreplaceable you

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