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The Tardis materialize on a hill. The Doctor open the doors with one hand while the other hand holds Clementine's hand, while Clementine has her eyes shut.

Doctor:"Watch your step."They exit the Tardis and the Doctor snap her fingers and the doors close by themselves. They walk a few steps away from the Tardis then stop and the Doctor let go of her hand."Open your eyes."Clementine open her eyes and stare at the view and her jaw falls."I heard that kids always dreamed meeting them. Took me long to remember. Did you dream about this too?"

Clementine slowly smile.


The Doctor smile. AJ mumbles.

Doctor:"Those, AJ, are one of the early living beings on this planet. They're called dinosaurs."

They watch different dinosaurs walking around.

Few minutes later

The Doctor and Clementine stay sitting on the middle of the hill while they watch the dinosaurs starting to leave.

Clementine:"Where are they going?"

AJ mumbles.

Doctor:"To their home, find a place to use the bathroom, eat somewhere else, or sense their predator coming."

Clementine:"Dinosaurs can do that?"

Doctor:"Yeah. They aren't different from your current animals . Like dogs, they hear something is coming. Either their owners or someone different one, so they rush towards wherever they like."

Clementine:"Then shouldn't we get back to the Tardis?"

Doctor:"No. The possibility of dangerous during this time period is 35%."

Clementine:"Okay. What did AJ said?"

Doctor:"The same question as you."

They see the last dinosaur leave from their sight.

Clementine:"How long until the meteor hit the Earth?"

The Doctor takes a deep breath.

Doctor:"... A few... A few weeks."The Doctor looks down then at Clementine."Why bring it up?"

Clementine:"It's just... so weird. Seeing dinosaurs alive just before they die, it's mind blowing, you know?"

Doctor:"Yeah. I actually do. That's why I time travel for. Be amazed by anything the universe can throw at me, even if it was gone years ago. The best you can do is enjoy it while it last."

They hear a scream and look up to see a pterodactyl flying near them.


The Doctor quickly notice metal on the pterodactyl. 

Doctor:"We need to get back to the Tardis."

The Doctor stand up.


Clementine stand up.

Doctor:"Come on."

The Doctor grab Clementine's hand and they start run back to the Tardis. Then the pterodactyl dive toward them, but they get to the Tardis and enter. The pterodactyl pull up into the sky before hitting the Tardis.

Someplace else

A figure stare at the screen.

???:"Enhance image."

The video feed zoom into the Tardis.


Calculation appear on the screen then stop and gave a result.

In the Tardis

The Doctor flick a few switches then look at the wall monitor. They could see the pterodactyl clearly now. They see that the pterodactyl has technology attach to it.

Clementine:"Is that metal?"

Doctor:"Not just metal. It's cyber-tech."



Clementine:"What is that?"

Doctor:"Cyber-tech is what the Cybermen use."

Clementine remember seeing records of the Cybermen attacking the Daleks with the Doctor by their sides.


Doctor:"Humans turn into machines to live longer and survive. Now they believe that everyone in the universe should look, and feel nothing, just like them. But where did the Cybermen have the power to time travel? Better question, what kind of Cybermen are they?"


Doctor:"The Cybermen can upgrade themselves. Make them look different and be powerful than their previous model."

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