Episode 7: Musings part 3

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Sam stiffened and ducked his head, avoiding the detective's piercing gaze. He picked up a dirty rag from the cleaning kit and twisted it, digging his fingers into the terry-cloth material.

Dean stood, his voice tight. "Why do you say that?"

The others paused in the act of taking off their coats and settling around the room. Out of the corner of his eyes, Sam saw John tense, like he was ready to lunge between Dean and Sherlock. Apparently they hadn't gotten used to each other while he was knocked out.

Sherlock tipped his head up to look the older Winchester in the eyes. He looked completely at ease, despite Dean's broader, taller mass looming over him. "Let's call it a hunch and leave it at that."

"Dean, sit down," the Doctor said, coming up to Dean's side. "Just sit down and listen."

With a grunt, Dean flopped into a chair, fingers smearing grease on the fabric. Sam tossed him a rag, then began gathering up their stuff.

Amy and the Doctor took seats on the couch, while John leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest.

"Where were you guys?" Sam asked.

"Discovering problems," the Doctor said. "Many, many problems."

John jerked his head at Sherlock. "Talking to his brother."

"Is he as much of a pain in the butt as Sherlock is?" Dean asked.

John snickered. "More, if you can believe it."

"He was a jerk," Amy said, looking over at Sherlock. "Are you going to explain what you said in the Diogenes Club?"

"Club?" Dean sat up a little. "You guys went to a club without me?"

"Ew. Not your kind of club," Amy said. "Trust me. It was full of stuffy old men who wanted complete silence in order to read their papers and ignore each other."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "In America, we call those retirement homes."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "If you juveniles are done, I'll explain myself."

"Oh, do tell, Sherly."

Sam kicked his brother's foot, but Sherlock merely contented himself with another glare in Dean's direction before clearing his throat.

"What I meant in the Diogenes Club, Amy, is exactly what I said. Whatever we met with in there, it was not Mycroft. Mycroft would never apologize for something he said by using the excuse of being 'imprecise'. My brother, like me, is rarely imprecise, but even if he was, he would never admit to it. So the question remains, what was it? A shapeshifter, perhaps, such as Moriarty?"

"We don't know for sure Moriarty was a shapeshifter," Dean said. "We didn't get a chance to test him for that."

"What else could he be?" John asked.

Sam answered. "Well, there's a lot of possibilities. We tried holy water, so we know he wasn't a demon."

John made a strangled noise.

Sam ignored him. "Besides that, he could be a ghoul, a shapeshifter, a ghost—"

Dean shook his head. "Too substantial for a ghost. Besides, River wouldn't have been able to knock him out if he was a ghost."

Sam raised a hand. "Maybe. But whatever she used is something we're not familiar with. What if a time-traveller's weapon affected ghosts differently? Doc?" He looked over at the Doctor.

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