Part 16

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The silence was so heavy that you wanted to do something, anything, to make it go away.

Logan was now standing by the window, hands in pockets, thinking back to the past he had just recounted.

Erik lifted the curtain of silence when a rumble sounded out from deep inside his chest. His shoulders shook. Soon it was a low chuckle. A few seconds later he was full on laughing, rich and from deep down.

You squeezed your temples with your hand at his behavior. But of course, this was Erik.

"What?" Logan growled at him, making the hairs on your neck stand.

"You-you expect me to believe you? Charles, really, you're that desperate? And if you were going to make up an excuse of a story, couldn't you make it a bit more believable?" He burst out laughing again, clutching the chair for support. "I'm sorry, it's just too funny."

"Erik, pull yourself together." you scolded him.

He looked at you in disbelief, biting back a laugh. "You believe them?"

You looked at Logan again. There was something unsettling about the way he told his story.

"Yes, I think I do." you said quietly. Logan smiled gently, the smile softening his features instantly.

"Proof!" Charles cried out. "He has proof. He knew things that I only ever trusted to one person." His face fell looking at yours. "He can give you proof."

Erik grinned his shit-eating grin. "Alright then. Do me. Something that no one knows, not even Kate or Charles."

Logan looked at everyone awkwardly. "I don't know much about you. I know Charles well but not you." As he said these words he looked at you out of the corner of his eye. You realized now why his story made you feel uneasy. He hadn't mentioned a single word about you or Hank.

"Do me then." you said timidly. Everyone looked at you. Erik burst out laughing again.

"Yes of course. Tell us something about her. Tell us something that Hank, one of her closest friends or Charles, her ex fiance or even I, her husband, would not know. Come on!"

Logan looked you dead in the eye. Why did he look so sad? Why was there such pain behind his eyes?

Slowly he took a step up to you.

"You had a brother."

You froze.

He took another step.

"His name was Joseph."

Tears came to your eyes.


"He was five years older than you."


"You looked just like him. Especially your eyes, and your hair."


"He could make portals. The very ones you make."


"Shaw tortured you and nearly killed you right before his eyes. That's why you have his mutation."

"Please stop." you whispered. The tears cascaded down your cheeks.

He took another step and knelt down in front of you. He gently wiped away the tears. In his eyes the hurt and pain was overwhelming.

"I'm sorry. It was the only thing I could think of." he said.

"What happened to him?" Hank asked.

You looked at Logan, begging him with your eyes to tell them for you. He smiled sadly as you rested your cheek in his palm and let the tears spill out. His hand was so warm.

"Shaw killed him as soon as he saw you had survived."

He pulled away his hand as you sobbed into your hands. You felt the heavy warmth rest on your shoulder. Your chest heaved and stuttered at the deep shaky breaths that passed through your lips. You sobbed even harder as you thought of him.

The almost identical eyes that were slightly darker than yours and how they would squeeze into small slits when he smiled and the exact same colored hair that was unruly and always made him look like he'd just got out of bed.

But whenever you remembered him it was always with the gray walls surrounding him and the ground over your heads. The pain in his voice, the shadows under his eyes, the hollowed out cheekbones and the skin that never saw sunlight.

Warm arms wrapped around you and you leaned forward into the crook of his neck, crying into his chest.

"It's alright." Logan whispered into your ear. "It wasn't your fault."

The tears stopped leaking from your eyes. The words that you'd always longed to hear, needed to hear, were finally being said and the heavy feeling that had always been there lifted off your chest.

"It was never your fault. Don't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's not for you to bear."


Date - Sunday, 11 April, 2021

Word count - 722

BOOOOM! I wanted to put in some drama but next part next week is even more! Hahahahhahahahaha! But I still love you guys though I torture you.


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C. Riverbend 

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now