Part 3

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Logan leaned against the car door and stared up at the mansion. He'd seen the sign of the school on the ground looking forgotten but he hadn't expected the place to look so abandoned.

Apart from looking barren and haunted it looked exactly how he remembered it before it got destroyed. He felt a wave of nostalgia hit as he looked at the house he came to love.

He took a final puff from his cigar before putting it out. He chuckled, remembering how you used to grimace at that. His pulse quickened slightly at the thought of maybe meeting you again.

He'd found the cigar in his pants after running out of the room. The girl next to him had been the most frightening experience so far. Though he still felt a little disoriented, especially with the bone claws.

Logan took a deep breath before mounting up the stairs and knocking on the huge wooden doors. A moment later the door opened to reveal a tall young man wearing glasses and looking at him dubiously.

"Can I help you?" He asked. The voice was young and fresh but tired. There was also something slightly familiar.

Logan hesitated slightly. He'd hoped  that maybe a pair of familiar eyes he'd been pining after would greet him. "Uh...yeah. What happened to the school?"

The man looked at him with surprise but also sadness. "The school's been shut for years." He then looked Logan up and down, scrutinizing. "Are you a parent?"

Logan scoffed at the comment. "I sure as hell hope not. Who are you?" He finally asked, the question having been nagging at him the entire time.

The man shifted his weight onto his other leg. He looked slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm Hank. Hank McCoy. I look after the house now."

The sunglasses were whipped off. Logan smirked at him wickedly. "You're Beast?" he said, unbelieving. "Look at you. I guess you're a late bloomer."

Hank's eyes shifted warily. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm gonna ask you to leave."

After having said so he quickly pulled the door to shut it but Logan put a hand to the door, pushing against it.

"So, where's the Professor?" he asked nonchalantly.

"There's no professor here." Hank grunted back, trying to push the door shut.

Logan laughed, slightly impressed.

"You're pretty strong for a scrawny kid. You sure there's not a little Beast in there?" he teased.

"No," Hank huffed. "He's not here."

"Come on, Beast." Logan kept badgering him. "Come on, Beastie.

"No." Hank finally collapsed as Logan pushed the door with both hands, swinging the door open. Logan pushed past him, walking into the familiar corridor.

"Hey!" Hank called after him. "I said the school's closed. You need to leave."

Without turning around he walked on. "Not until I see the Professor." he snapped. And Kate, he thought

Hank's large slim hand grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him around roughly. "There's no Professor here, I told you that." he said tersely.

Logan pulled Hank's hand off. "Look, kid. You and I are gonna be good friends..." Before Hank realized what had happened, Logan swung his arm back and punched him straight in the face making him fall to the ground. Logan could hear groans of pain as he continued on. Quickly he jogged up the stairs.

"Professor! Professor!" His voice rang out through the empty rooms.


Logan turned around only to see a fuzzy blue something pounce on him. His head smashed viciously onto a step as Beast threw him down the stairs.

Just as he thought he'd avoided him, Logan was thrown across the room onto the table in the middle of the room.

When he looked up from the floor, Beast was growling at him, hanging from the top of a chandelier, ready to attack.

"Hank? What the fuck is going on here?"

Logan got up rubbing the back of his head. His jaw dropped slightly as he watched a disheveled looking man walk down the stairs.

He was wearing a non too respectable looking dressing gown and his lanky hair fell by the sides of his stubbled face. A glass bottle with amber liquid sloshing around in it was held loosely in his hand.

Logan tilted his head, his eyebrows quirking up. "Professor?" he asked.


Date - Friday, 6 February, 2021
Word count - 739

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C. Riverbend

Peppermint Candy : X-Men Days of Future Past Volume II of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now