20. So good (L)

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Skip this chapter if you don't like Lemons, or if you're under 18.

He looked around in your room and you felt a bit embarrassed. You invited him over but didn't have any plans what to do. 

"So are we watching a movie, or Netflix and chill" he winks and tilt his head to the right. 

"I was thinking a movie" you lied. You picked up an action movie, but it got ripped from your hands. 

"No, I've already seen this a few times, let's watch this one" He picked another one and you just nodded. You started the movie, and the two of you sat down in your bed. After s few minutes you realized that it was a scary movie he picked. Damn it... With every minute passing, you got more and more scared. You moved closer to the smirking Aomine and carefully tugged on his shirt with your trembling hands. The movie was getting intense, and you start to feel really scared, you turn around and nestle your face in his chest and shut your eyes. You hear the sounds of killing, and screaming and you press yourself harder against him. You crawled up in his lap and sat like that throughout the rest of the movie. He's stroking your back and you start to feel relaxed. His hot breath hit your neck and he kisses it gently. He kisses your weak spot and you're feeling hotter and hotter. More roughly, he starts to suck on your weak spot and you let out a moan. You can feel a smirk through the kisses. You let your hand travel over his chest, down to his boxers. He kisses you up to your cheekbone, then he playfully bites your earlobe. His hot breath tickles your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 

"You're so fucking beautiful" he whispers into your ear, and leans in towards your lips. He caresses his lips onto yours and you deepen the kiss. You press yourself even harder towards his muscular body and let your hands travel over his chest. His hands travel down to your waist, hips, and bottom. He squeezes your buttocks, making you gasp, and your kisses turn into a heated makeout session. You wanted him. He tugs your dress, asking if he can take it off. Swiftly, you take off your dress, making you sit in his lap in only underwear. Aomine bites his bottom lip and looks at you with hungry eyes. You pull his t-shirt, and he takes in of it, revealing his abs, and strong chest. Quickly, you take the opportunity to kiss his neck. You find his weak spot, and suck on it, while letting your hands explore his body. Playfully you bite his neck, and a low husky moan escapes his lips. Smoothly, he places you beneath him in your bed, with your legs nestled around his waist.  He kisses you down to your collar bone, and down your chest, all the way down to your lower part of your abdomen. You let your hands travel over his back and arms, while your moans keep escaping your mouth. You can feel him getting more and more excited. His touches make you crave for him more and more. He kisses you all the way up to your chest area and kisses every inch of it. You moan and you can hear him grunt. You drag your hands through his hair and grab it forcing his face a little to the side so you can kiss his neck, you let your right hand travel down his chest, down to his pants, and over his very excited parts. He moans and sucks on his weak spot. Another low moan escapes his mouth and you love hearing his deep husky voice. The both of you get lost in each other. He's playfully stroking, over your panties, and you moan through your kisses. You feel yourself getting more and more heated by every second that goes by. He kisses you down to your lower abdominal area while still playing with your panties. Your body is screaming for him. He takes off your panties with his teeth and you can feel your cheeks heating up. He returns to your face and kisses you on the lips. 

"You're so beautiful" He whispers and you bite your lower lip. His deep blue eyes are mesmerizing. You take off his boxers while kissing his chest, you let your hands travel over his excited parts and he moans making you crave for him even more. He places himself in front of your entrance and kisses your neck. 

"Do you want this?" He asks you, waiting for permission. 

"I want you Daiki-kun" You say looking into his eyes. He smiles and kisses you passionately on your lips.

"Are you sure?" he asks still looking into his eyes. 

"Yes I want this," You say, with a hunger in your voice. 

"I'll be gentle" He whispers into your ear with his, husky, dangerously inviting voice. The pain and pleasure wash over you and you never want him to stop. He made you feel so good. 


A little lemonade for all the thirsty ones out there. The rest is up to your imagination xD 

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