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-Strong words, Alcohol, trigger- IF these things trigger you, don't read this chapter. 

Satsuki put on a white skirt and black top, you stood and couldn't choose between a white and black dress. The white is very cute, but the black is very hot...
"You have to take the black one!" Satsuki says and you put it on.
"OMG that looks amazing" She shriek and hugs you.
"Haha, thanks Satsuki" You laugh and blush.
"So will Tetsuya be there?" you wink.
"YEAH", she fangirls and blushes.
"Perfect" you smirk.

It's seven o'clock and you're supposed to pregame at Kise with his friends. You reach their dorm, and Satsuki knocks. The door flung open and a happy Kise greets you.
"y/n!" He hugs you and drags you in. You come in and greet his friends, they are from his team,
"I'm Kasamatsu," A boy with black hair says.
"I'M HAYAKAMA NICE TO MEET YOU" A brown-haired boy almost shouts, and you laugh. The rest of them introduce themself.
"I'm y/n! Nice to meet you" and you bow. Ohh I shouldn't bow, how embarrassing. You blush and scratch the back of your head.
"You were so good at the game! I couldn't even imagine that you were THAT good!" Kise says
"Haha, ehh thanks" You blush really hard, and Kise laugh.
"AND we're in the same position, Small guard" He smiled brightly, then he takes your hand and leads you away from Satsuki, who is talking to Hayakama.
"Let's get you something to drink" Kise hands you a beer and takes one for himself.
"So who's hosting the party tonight?" You asked.
"It will be at the Rakuzan dorms," He said.
"Will I be able to come, since I wasn't really invited?" You say awkwardly.
"Well of course! Everyone's talking about you, and Akashi-micchi even asked me to bring you"
"Akashi-micchi?" You asked confused.
"You don't know who he is? Well he's like the top student at the school and the best point guard"
"Really?" You asked amazed.
"Yeah, we used to be teammates. You will probably meet all of us Generations of miracles" he laughed.
"Haha, you're so full of yourself sometimes Kise-San" you laugh. You take another beer and it's time for beer pong. You and Satsuki against Kise and Kasamatsu.

Satsuki throws the first ball and misses.
"Whoops," She says and takes a sip of her drink. Kise throws and makes the shot. Satsuki takes the glass and drinks it. Then it's your turn, and you make the shot, Kise drinks. Kasamatsu makes his shot, and you drink. And it goes on until Kises team wins. You pout and drink the last cup. You feel yourself being tipsy, and you're not even at the real party yet. You see that Satsuki is at the same level as you. The clock turns 9 and it's time to leave. Hand in hand you and Satsuki walk, wobbling a bit, making the guys laugh.
"Don't laugh" you pout and Kise chuckle.

You finally reach Rakuzan and you hear the loud music, and it reeks of alcohol. This will not end good. You pass a group of guys who whistle on you and Satsuki.
"Ey we're not dogs!" You answer back, and the guys laugh. Suddenly Aomine and his teammates are in front of you, which you almost walked into since you were drunk and lost in your thoughts.

"Oi, careful," The guy with glasses and black hair said.
"Oi on yourself Mr. Glasses," You say and point on him.
"The name is Imayoshi, pretty one" He winks. He is kinda hot, but a bit arrogant. 
"HI" you bow and hit your head on his chest, and everyone burst out in laughter. You scratch the back of your head and blush. Kise comes up beside you, greeting the other players.
"Hi, Aomine-icchi"
"Hi Copy-cat" He answers coldly. You look at the two hot boys and remember Satsuki.
" Neecan we gotta find your boy!" You say and drag her away. She blushes and happily skip towards another gang with guys. You see a tall, muscular, boy with red hair. Is that Tetsuya? He's HOT. You get closer to the group and Momoi runs up to a short light blue-haired boy and hugs him.
"Konichiwa Momoi-Chan" You stare at her with a huge smile walk up to them. You wink at Momoi and she winks back. Then the two of you Burst out in laughter. Gaining weird looks from the guys.
"You're y/n right?" The red-haired guy says.
"Yeah, Konichiwa", you say and bow, almost hitting your head on his chest. He chuckles.
"I'm Kagami Taiga" He smiles nicely and you blush a little. This boy sure is FINE, those arms.
"Hi Tetsuya, I see that you've met y/n," Kise says and walks up beside you. Is he trying to cockblock me perhaps... You look at Kise with suspicion in your eyes. He just smiles sheepishly. You liked Kise, but you didn't want to get into something serious with anyone. You wanted to be friends with Kise, ha was so fun to hang out with. But you were still attracted to him, he's a model after all. But he didn't have that bad-boy aura that you liked. That dangerous sensation that made you compelled. You and the guys entered the inner part of the party and it was so many people. When they saw you entering, their eyes were glued on you. You danced with Momoi, but different guys came up to the two of you and tried to dance with you, but you weren't interested in any of them. A few minutes later Momoi dragged you away into a room where Aomine, Kagami, Tetsuya, and Imayoshi were hanging. There were beer pong cups ready. 

"WE CHALLENGE YOU TO A GAME" Momoi screamed and pointed at the guys. On boyy... 

"Accepted" Imayoshi smirks. 

"We'll kick your asses!" You fistbump Momoi and you know you're going to lose. After about 20 minutes you lost. Momoi didn't make any of the shots, but you made yours. Since you lost, the two of you had to finish their drinks as well. Bloody hell... You shugged it down as fast as you could to get it over with. Everything started to spin and you knew this is when you have to stop drinking. You see Imayoshi whispering something to Aomine and he smirks. His eyes still glued on you. 

The night went on and you spoke with so many people, and you barely remember any names. You finally got away and sat alone in a stairwell. The guy from the match appeared out of nowhere and approached you.
"Hi, I'm Akashi," He says, takes your hand, and kisses it. Omg he's like a prince.
"Hi-i I'm y/n" you blush at his actions.


let the drama begin ;) 

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