Chapter 4

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7 years old Jonathan

"Mom do I have to go?", The little dark eyes boy asked as he angrily stepped out the car.

"Yes honey,  school is important and we don't want your grandma to get annoyed , right? You have to be perfect in all things. Momma doing all this for you. So that you can have everything you supposed to have."

The young face frown. He knew his grandma hated his mother. Because she wasn't rich like papa when papa married her. But after papa died she tried to take me away from mother. But mother fought for me and the only way grandma can see me is through my mother. Because I was now her heir. Grandma is very rich and she find every opportunity to spoil me.

You might be wondering why I know all this so young.  But I'm very smart. They think I don't know whats goes on around me. But I do.

I stumped my way into the primary school where my teacher welcomed me into Grade 1.

As I was about to be seated I saw a mop of curls two rows back with the most nicest  brown eyes and cute face. 

I hate his face. It's too perfect.

I plumped down in my assigned seat. Nodding to the blond boy next to me. Next thing you know we were friends.

Well I was the leader. My grandma always says I should lead and never follow.

During lunch break I saw the curly hair boy sitting talking with
Another girl. I couldn't help it. I went and pulled his hair.

He cried out in pain and as he turn to look at me. I grabbed his cheeks and pinch it hard. His face was so cute to be a boy.

When I was satisfied I walked to my new found group and we all laughed.

That's just the beginning curly top. I laughed to myself.

15 years old Jonathan

I hate High school. The only good thing here is my sports.  Oh and Jack.

For some reason I realized I had feelings for him when I started to understand my body. I will never acted on it though.

And to make it not show I continue to bully him every chance I got.

My Grandma always talked about how gays are demon and that they should never exist. She also told me to stay away from people like them.

If she only knew all the thoughts I have for a certain person she might have a heart attack.

Mom told me I have to be perfect in all things. My grades, my sports. Grandma keep lavishing me with all things and my mother let her. I'm not complaining. Its comfortable to have everything you ever wanted or needed.

As I stepped out my Audi A9 in my school parking lot. My grandma brought this for me for my 15th birthday. Its my baby.

I was greeted by my friends from our track team where I am the captain.

"God I wanna have sex with your car", Tom groan aloud.

I laugh at his silliness. "You're never gonna have sex with my baby Tom."

We both walked towards the school building when Tom whistle.

"Is it me or is Jack over there gotten cuter".

I look to where he was looking and saw the boy of my fantasy . The boy that I crave and have feeling for but will never acted on it.

I was jealous I didn't want no one to admire Jack's beauty only me.

I stormed over to him and grabbed his bag. Lifting it out of his reach. Isn't his height so damn cute.

Jack is shouting stop it as he try to reach for his bag.

Just then Sarah his crazy friend came running over. How I hate she is so close to him.

"What are you going to do about it?" I ask..

Then she threatened me with that stupid  Chemistry  quiz miss  Darlyn had that I was not prepared for. I stuck inside the teacher's room and flash some pictures.

Don't get me wrong I am quite intelligent. But I was training that entire week for Champions of Champions race and didn't had time to revised. I didn't want to soil my perfect records of Grades.

I throw Jack's bag to him with force and laugh as he tumble right down to the ground.

His friend helped him up and as they were going to pass I put my feet out tripping him. My friends and I laughed as we walked off.

I was not laughing inside. I felt guilty and cold and I don't know why. But I will keep this facade up. I have to.

"See you later Jacky boy, and I mean it",  I said as I walk away.

And I did. After school I locked him inside the janitor closet. He was screaming to let him out.

I know his friend will soon come and save him. I left him with his phone. So I knew he was going to calm down and called her.  This happened a lot.

Where was I?

I was right outside the door sitting on the floor my head lean back on the wall.


Hey peeps. Fourth chapter.  I didn't want it to be too long so I had to cut it in half. Chapter 5 will be what happend on Graduation day in Johnathon point of view. We are going to  find out how he got Nathan.

Tell me what you think of this chapter. Whoever and whenever.


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