-thirty four-

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Annabelle woke up once again in an Abnegation bedroom, the setting familiar yet so different, it caused shivers to spread down her body. She started heading towards the open door in front of her when a scream shouted her name, causing her to be more alert and try to dart out of the room. She slammed against the door as it closed all of a sudden, the jiggling of the door handle indicating to her it was locked.

"Annabelle help me!" The same voice yelled, causing Anna's breath to quicken as she scanned the room for any other exit. The only piece of furniture in the room was a small wooden table with a draw attached to it. As she ran to open the draw, the screeching of metal could be heard as the walls began to close in on her.

She let out a sigh as she rummaged through the full draw looking for anything that could help her open the locked door and get to the person in need outside of it. She managed to find a bobby pin, that she could use to pick the lock and made her way to jam it into the keyhole. As soon as she did the speed the walls were closing in on her increased exponentially. Ignoring this, she jiggled it trying to get it at the right angle until the lock clicked and the door swung open.

She ran out of the room to try and follow the screams however, she ended up in the pit, a crowd full of her friends circling her.

"Guys, what are you doing?" Annabelle asked, trying to walk towards the people she considered friends.

"You should be ashamed, thinking you ever stood a chance here at Dauntless," Uriah said, causing the people around him to snicker and move away from the girl - the circle surrounding her remaining.

"What?" Annabelle said, confused

"He's right," The voice of Eric boomed as the crowd parted to let him walk closer to Annabelle, "You only got through the first stage because of me. Maybe I should have let you jump into the chasm,"

"You never belonged here, you don't belong anywhere,"

"You're pathetic, to think you ever could've protected me,"

The taunting voices of Eric, Uriah, Tris and Tobias rang through Anna's head causing it to spin. However, she keeps calm, something must've been wrong, her friends would never say this stuff otherwise, she knew that and she knew them.

Annabelle pushed through the crowd ignoring the comments made as she left the pit. As soon as the voices stopped and Anna thought it was over, a hand, pulled her over to the side.

"Hey, Belle, what's up with you?"

"Peter?" She said, letting relief flush over her that he wasn't acting like everyone else, "My friends don't think I'm good enough,"

"You're kidding right?"

"I wish," Annabelle didn't know how they had gotten to the chasm so quickly but they were currently stood on the bridge that Christina was once dangling off of, closer to the start of initiation.

All of a sudden, Peter clamps his hand around Annabelle's neck and pushes her up against the railing, "I disagree with your friends, I think you're too good,"

Anna can't reply as his hands cut off her air supply, she brings her hands up to his to try and pull them off, "Pe-Pe-Peter," She tried to say, her voice barely even audible due to the boys large hands clamping her throat. She continued to attempt to get his hands off of her, keeping eye contact with him, the hatred and anger in Peter's eyes making the girl uneasy. Knowing she had his full attention on the top half of her body, Annabelle raised her knee, to slam it into Peter's crotch with force.

With a groan, Peter released Anna's throat and stumbled back slightly, "You're going to pay for that Stiff," He said, as he regained his composure and charged towards Annabelle once more. Not thinking about the consequences Annabelle moved out of the path Peter charged for and the latter slammed into the weak railing of the chasm. Peter clearing wasn't thinking either as he ran into the railing with full force ultimately causing the railing to fall and him along with it.

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