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Sitting in the kitchen reading, my mom starts humming causing me to look up from my book. She gives me a smile and continues to make me a peanut butter sandwich.

A loud sound wakes me from my dream. I lay there for a moment mourning the simple memory of my mom. My dream was so normal it felt real, causing my chest to ache.

I loud crash sounds, reminding me of what woke me up. Loud yelling sounds from downstairs, I jump out of bed exiting my room. Coming down the steps I take in the scene: all of my brothers and David are arguing with Kent. No one has noticed I'm there and before I can make my presence known there argument becomes physical.

Kent takes a swing at Dave, but Dave is quick easily dodging. The other guys move forward approaching him cautiously like a wild animal. Kent starts swinging and everything goes crazy.
I move further down the steps "Stop, please stop!" No one listens or can hear over all the commotion.

There moving closer and with all the scuffle I can't make out who's who. Before I know what's happening an elbow collides with my cheek causing me to land hard on the steps. The owner of the elbow lands on top of me.

"Ahh" a sharp pain shoots through my arm. The heavy body is quickly pulled off of me and David stands in front of me.

"Joy sweetie....what hurts"?

"I'm fine, I think I just landed wrong". I look up to 5 set of concerned eyes. My gaze stops on Kent leaning on the couch, he doesn't look himself; his clothes are disheveled and his eyes are bloodshot and unfocused.

I didn't realize it, but I am protectively cradling my arm. David gently grabs my arm, extending it, causing me to wince in pain.

I move my arm away, "I just need some ice". Starting to feel uncomfortable with all the attention I look to Kent. "Are you ok?"

His face morphs to anger before he turns, leaving us all to go outside.

David takes a deep breath before slowly releasing it. He offers me a small smile before turning towards the guys.

"Sean and Paul you take care of Kent, Dave go get the car, we will take Joy to the Emergency room."

"David, really I think it's just bruised. With ice and rest it will be fine."

"Maybe... but I would like peace of mind.


It had been a long night in the emergency room. I have a hairline fracture on my elbow but thankfully no surgery was needed. However, I do have to wear a sling for the next few weeks to immobilize my arm so it can heal properly.

The sun was just starting to peek in the horizon. We should all be waking up not coming home from a long night in the ER. David and Dave had been hovering and overly concerned all night. They both followed me into my room. Dave tucking me in as David got my pain medicine ready. They had made it clear I was to rest all day. I remember David mentioning he would call school telling them I would be out til next week. To tired to argue my eyes close before I can even say thank you.

Waking up I instantly feel the pain in my arm and am confused until the previous night replays in my head. I reach with my good arm to grab my pain meds off the the bedside table. I quickly take one hoping it kicks in soon. I Look at the clock and am surprised to see it's almost 3pm.

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