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Monday morning came quick and I was a nervous wreck. Kate had FaceTimed yesterday helping me pick out the perfect first day outfit. We had decided on a light pink sleeveless dress that I put over a cute stripped tee. The dress landed right above my knees and had buttons that went all the way up the middle, the best part was the pockets!

Feeling as ready as I could be, I made my way downstairs.  It was my first day of school in a public setting, I wasn't nervous about the education part as much as the people part. Kate and Max were really the only other kids my age I interacted with. Now I was on my own and I was hoping not to make a fool of myself the first day.

All my brothers and David were in the kitchen talking. "Morning!" I said causing everyone's eyes to turn towards me.

I was surprised when David walked over wrapping his arm around me for a quick hug and kissing the top of my head.
" Ready for your first day.... you look beautiful". I blushed from the compliment but gave a small nod and a thank you in reply.

"Joy I just made a fresh pot of coffee" Sean said.

I was too nervous to eat or drink "Thanks but I don't think I want any today, all yours".

He gave me a serious look as he walked to me placing the back of his hand on my forehead. "You don't feel warm, but you must be sick to turn down coffee".

"Ha ha ha I'm just a little nervous about school" I say swatting his hand away.

I hadn't seen Dave in a few days but he came over pulling me to his side for a hug.
"Don't worry school is school, you will be fine. If anything dies come up go to one of your brothers."

I nod "I'm not really worried about the class work, mom always made sure I knew my stuff, she was a great teacher. Just hoping to fit in, maybe make a friend."

"I didn't know your mother was a teacher" David said surprised.

Confused, I answer "No she taught me and my sisters, she homeschooled us".

All eyes turned to me, Kent spoke first "So you have never actually gone to school, in a school building with teachers and kids your own age?"

I shook my head no.

"Just great" Kent said slamming his cup on the table. 
Kent is more grumpy then usual, I don't know what his deal is. If he is worried about me bothering him or following him at school he has nothing to fret about. He is the last person I would go to for help.

"Wow" Paul said dumbfounded. "Wow, I ah, but don't worry I got you". Paul came up and bumped my shoulder, "seriously, it will be fine".

Kent stood up abruptly causing his chair to scratch on the floor, "Unless you two want to walk it's time to go". Not waiting he walked passed us, and out the front door.

"Joy would you like me to take you and make sure, you get settled in and find your locker?" David asked. I was trying to think of a kind way to tell him no.

Thankfully, Paul interrupted, "Dad....no, I got her. I'll stay with her till she's settled, I have study hall first period anyways". He turned to me "Don't worry Joy, let's go"!


Paul walked me to the office and waited as they got my schedule printed out. Turning to leave the office "I have calculus first, room 234".

"That can't be right, let me see that" he said taking my schedule. "They have you listed as a junior, your schedule is all wrong." Before I could explain Paul was talking to the lady at the front desk.

Interrupting them "Sorry, but it seems right, I am a junior".

"But you just turned 15" Paul said confused.

Beautiful JoyWhere stories live. Discover now