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It had been a quiet car ride so far. David had asked a few questions in the beginning but I only had the strength to give a few mumbled responses. Thankfully, the younger one turned up the radio, saving me from more conversation.

After the longest 3 hour of my life we stopped at a cute cafe to eat and stretch our legs. Stepping out from the tinted windows of the SUV, the sun was bright and hot. I followed the men into the air conditioned cafe.

We stood in line, each ordering our own meal before finding an open table. Distracted by my foreign surroundings, I didn't hear the question the younger man asked. "Joy" I looked up and he was looking expectedly at me. " I'm sorry, did you ask me something" I replied quietly.

Noticing he was holding a cup "would you like a soda?"
"No, water please" I said attempting a smile his way. He left to fill our drinks leaving me alone with David for the first time.

David sat across the table, smiling at me. "So Joy do you have any questions for me?"

Seriously? The angsty teenager in me was tempted to roll her eyes at his loaded question.

I looked down to hide my face, mom always said my face showed all my emotions. The truth was I have so many questions but I asked the easiest first.

"How much longer of a drive to your home"?

"Just another hour. Everyone is excited to meet you"! At that I looked up curious of this "everyone".

Dave had returned placing my water in front of me. I voiced a small 'thank you'. He sat by me, his large size making me feel like a child. I moved closer to the wall trying to give him more space.

"It's been awhile since we have had a female in the house" his eyes softened.

"Are you not married?" I asked.

"My wife passed away a few years ago from cancer.
So it's just me and your brothers now." That sounded weird, I've never thought of having brothers.

He continued, "Dave is 26, Sean is 23, Kent is 17, and Paul is 15". Trying to take in the information overload I remembered he said Dave. I whipped my head toward the large man beside me.

"Your my br-brother?"

He turned to me "Yes, your oldest". I looked at him but didn't have a response it was surreal going from being the oldest to the youngest.

Thankfully our food arrived. I sat quietly eating as their conversation switched to board meetings and work talk. I learned that they both worked for the family business, something to do with property and real estate. Tuning them out I started thinking of school and how I would no longer have my friends with me or my special morning coffee with dad.

Already feeling home sick, "When do you think I might be able to go home?" David face quickly changed to one of anger before masking it".

He gave a forced smile, "We can leave here in about 15 minutes and than another hour until we're home". He emphasized 'we're home'. He was honest to goodness going to pretend like he did not understand what I was asking.

I very rarely lose my temper, but I could feel heat in my cheeks and the angry tears building up praying they wouldn't run out. One of my least favorite things about me is angry tears. How is anyone suppose to take you seriously when your crying.

Beautiful JoyWhere stories live. Discover now