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Joy's POV

That night we went to Max and Kate's house for dinner. Susan, their mom is a great cook and went all out making Italian and a special cake for my birthday.

They spoiled me with a new book, clothes, and a few gift cards. Faith and Jewel were excited because Susan had invited them to stay the night with plans to take them to the salon tomorrow. I was equally excited to spend some alone time with dad.

Waking up early, I was ready to get some answers about David. I walked into the kitchen seeing my dad leaning against the counter deep in thought.  "Morning dad" I said through a yawn.

Dad poured my coffee and handing it to me, I followed him into the living room. Sitting on the couch, dad seemed deep in his thoughts, to quiet, and unhappy. His behavior and silence was making me feel uneasy.

"Dad is something wrong, what was the other night about".

He was staring out the front window. It was rainy out and the clouds were blocking the sun making for a gloomy start to the day. "David.... he's gotten lawyers and child services involved". I'm staring at him and I see him take a deep breath. I can already tell the news is bad. "I've been trying to fight it, reason with him but legally he has custody. He wants you to live with him and his family."

I feel sick, "I don't understand, other than the other night I've never met him. Did you tell him about my sisters. They just lost our mom and now he wants me to move leave them."

Dad is still looking out the window "I have a few appointments lined up but nothing I can do as of now. He's threatening getting the cops involved. But I am not giving up."

"Can I talk to him, explain I want to stay. I'm suppose to start school soon, who's gonna help with the girls? I don't want to go!" The last part makes me sound like a toddler having a tantrum but I don't care. I'm not sure when they started but tears are streaming down my face.

Two big arms wrap around me, I feel tears that are not my own drip to my arm. "I don't want you to go either. But I don't want you to have regrets, take advantage of this time, get to know David and his family." He hugs me tighter. "This is not me giving up, I will keep looking for a way."

We pull apart, and seeing his face breaks my heart all over again. "When"

"Tomorrow morning" he says.

How is this real life, I feel like I'm in some alternate universe or bad dream. I want to scream, demand I won't go, hit something. But then I look up into my dads face and it looks so much like the day we lost my mom, hopeless.

Thinking of something to take the current look off my dads face, "I will call and text everyday. I will try to make the best of it but I already know there is no dad as great as you".

He smiles. We stay cuddled on the couch together talking and watching tv. A little after lunch the girls come home so excited about there day I can't help but smile. The rest of the day goes like this just us together all day enjoying each other.

After dinner we talk to my sister about my "trip" and there is more tears. Everyone helps me pack a few suitcases.

Eventually, the emotional day takes its toll and we all fall asleep together cuddled up on the couch.

I wake up on the couch alone, I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Jewel runs into the room, looking right at me yells "she's awake" she then hands me her unicorn sleep mask.

"Put this on Joy, I'm your guide". I slide the mask over my eyes and stand up, Jewel grabs my hand leading me to the backyard. She tells me to take a step down and I feel the cool air hit me.

The mask is removed "Happy Birthday Brunch"!

I'm not sure how they did all this, It can't be 8am yet but Kate, Max, Susan, Jake, my sisters and dad are all here. Kate and Faith both run up to me giving hugs. " I can't believe my eyes, how did they get you up this early" I give Kate a pointed look. She is not a morning person and not only is she here but dressed for the day.

I give everyone hugs telling them thank you. When I get to Max, he gives me a sad attempt of a smile. "Text me everyday and call if you need me" I nod.
"I can't believe your leaving me alone to deal with Kate. She gonna be unbearable without you." He groans.

Before I can answer Kate skips up to us demanding I go get ready so she can fix my hair. Max passes me a donut before I'm dragged inside. I put my clothes on quickly, going for a comfy jean jumper with a cute shirt and finish it off with my white tennis shoes.
Kate's fixing my hair and rambling on about everything except my departure. She's talking so fast I know she is just trying to distract herself.

I finally turn towards her grabbing her hand to catch her attention "I'm going to miss you so much". 

She squeezes my hand back "Not as much as I will miss you. This isn't right, what if you find another me there and forget all about me" she sniffles. I laugh because the thought is absurd, " Kate there is no one like you in the world, we are besties for life".

"Good because you have way too much dirt on me, I would have to kill you if we weren't besties". I give her a small pinch on the back of her arm causing her to yelp and retaliate with smack to my bottom. We are both giggling as we head back out to my birthday brunch.

We are outside laughing at the comedy routine my sisters performed for my birthday. I can faintly hear the doorbell ring and dad kisses my forehead before heading in. I am frozen to my spot and suddenly regret the numerous donuts I consumed as I feel them rise to my throat.

What am I suppose to say? Hi David I hear your my dad, I kinda hate you for kidnapping me away from my family.

I would never say that but I run out of time to think when the two men from a few days ago are both led into the my backyard. Though they are both dressed casually in jeans and button ups, they seem so out of place in my backyard.

They walk towards me and I stand wiping my sweaty palms on my jumper. They both say hello at the same time and I reply with a quiet 'hi'. My dad then introduces them to everyone. Trying to prolong our time together dad offers them something to eat but they decline saying we have to be getting on the road.

I give my sisters a hug and kiss, telling them I will call them before bed. I give hugs to Susan and Jake, Kate squeezes so so hard it hurts and Max kisses the top of my head.

Dad, David, and the other man are already inside waiting in our small kitchen. My bags are already packed by the door ready to go. The two men are kind enough to take my bags out leaving me and dad to say our goodbyes alone.

My dad excuses himself going into the closet pulling out a beautifully wrapped present. Tears are silently falling down my face. He comes over and wipes them away. "It not much, but tonight if your homesick I think it will make you feel better." I take the package and bury my face in his chest "Sorry dad I told myself I wasn't gonna cry".

Dad attempts to lighten the mood "What is it they say....It's your party, cry if you want to". His joke helps and I offer him a small smile before he guides me to the car hugging me the whole way.

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