-10- no please

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Because so many people didn't like how the story ended the continuing chapters will be an edition to the book.

Izuku's POV

I eventually collected myself and got up from the dorm room hall. No one had dared to come out of there rooms even after the yelling fell silent.

My eyes were still swollen and puffy, red from tears and long sobs. I felt stupid. Stupid for thinking I could have all that I wanted. Stupid for thinking I could love a villain.

I didn't really sleep that night. It was more of drifting in and out of a light hazy state of consciousness. It was cold and haunting shadows painted the walls.

And when my morning alarm went off I stayed in bed. There wasn't school it being Sunday. So I laid there staring up at the blank pale ceiling.

If a couple more tears fell down my cheeks I didn't notice. But I had to get up at some point. And I did. At about one pm. When I couldn't quiet my stomachs noises of hunger.

But as I hesitantly got up leaving the warmth of my bed I could hear noises. Like hushed whispering as I neared the door.

I was too emotionally and physically tired to deal with this. My noisy classmates need to stop trying to listen in on me.

I knew they all heard what went down. Or at least herd the yelling and being in dorms just makes the rumors spread faster. But this was over the line even for me.

"Guys go away I'm not in the mood!" Annoyance was clear in my tone as I shouted loud enough for them to hear me on the other side of the door.

The whispers and small noises quieted immediately after the sound of my voice fell on there ears leaving everything eerily quiet.

But I could tell they were still there. Irritation bubbled up inside me. Couldn't they learn to just back off.

So before I could think anything through I grabbed at the door knob and swung it open ready to tell them off. But the door hitting the wall is the only sound heard.

Because it wasn't my classmates out there. It was every single staff member at U.A. All in formation like they were ready to fight. And once that second of tension broke all hell was let lose.

"The building is surrounded don't tru anything! Hands behind your head!" Mr. Aizawa yelled. A ringing was all I could hear though. So many thoughts flooded my brain it just became one painful headache.

"Careful everyone he's with the villains we don't know what he's capable of!" The words didn't register in my head. All I could do was stare into all mights eyes. He looked just like urakka had. Betrayed.

I tried to give him a pleading look in a moment of desperation but he casts his stare down, a silent rejection.

"Hands in front of you now!" And I followed. I put my hands in front of me unmoving even as they put thick heavy quirk canceling cuffs around my wrists.

Then I was moved out surrounded by hero's that I aspired to be like. They were supposed to be perfect so how did they not understand this. How could they not see this!

I couldn't look at my classmates as I walked past the common room. They were trying to get a look at me but the hero's held them back 'for there safety' like I would ever hurt a classmate. I was a hero and I still am.

"We can handle it from here start searching his dorm! Take anything that could be potential evidence!" And with that I was taken away. By my idols who now looked down at me with a cold indifferent look.

What happened.


Ok how do you like it so far. I'll try to get the next chapter out as fast as I can my little duckies 🐤🐤🐤

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