The camping trip

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Just a heads up. There will be a lot of timeskips.


As I leave the bar I sigh. That was tough's better this way. I look at my watch. OH SHIT IM GOING TO BE LATE!!!! I look around to make sure there's no one around before using warp gate to get to the school bus. Everyone's suprised to see me appear out of nowhere.

Izuku: oh!!! Your here!!! I thought you were gonna be late for sure!!!!

Y/N: sorry bout that!!! Had to go do something before I left.

Kirishima: well hurry up man!!!! Let's go!!!

I sigh and smile before getting on the bus. As I do Mina sits next to me and smiles at me before momo squishes in along with Jirou and Mei. Shoto then walks on the bus and stares at us before sitting on my lap.

Y/N: um....sho-

Shoto: I read somewhere that this is good stimulation for boyfriends.

Y/N: well.......your not wrong.....

She smirks.


We all get off the bus and we see two women in cat suits waiting for us.

???: hey kids. I'm mandalay and that's pixie bob!!! Well be two of your camp counselors!!! See that camping lodge all the way down there? It's about a 4 hour hike from here to there.

Y/N: Jesus Christ that really.....really far....d-down....

Mandalay: if you go'll make it by noon....

Sero: ok. Back in the bu-


I grab the girls and pick them up and start to run to the bus



As everyone sprints for the bus ragdoll jumps in front of us and the ground starts to rumble. I drop the girls and we all start to get swallowed into the ground. I grab her leg and copy her quirk and fall back into the ground. As I do I warp gate to the lodge and fall out of my portal into the ground. I groan and get up and rub my head and look around. I'm at the lodge. I sigh.

Y/N: maaaaaaybe I should have grabbed everyone else......oh well.


As im making my lunch mandalay, Pixie bob, and Aizawa finally arrived.

Mandalay: wait how long have you been here?

Y/N: ever since the challenge started. I can teleport just about anywhere.

They stare at me before shrugging. I'm then introduced to the rest of the wild wild Pussycats cats.

Y/N: nice to meet you all!!!

As I shake there hands i make sure to copy there quirks.

Mandalas: and this is rag doll!!!

Rag doll: just by looking at you I can tell exactly what your quirk is and everything about-

I grab her and head scream

Y/N: COPYING QUIRK!!!!!! Oh my god this is going to be so much easier now......


As I'm eating my lunch I see everyone else start to arrive.

Y/N: hey guys what's-

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