Another Continent: Part One

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The other continent? But wasn't it a myth? Just a story that Glory told me? Wasn't it something to throw me off? Why was it real?!
    I looked around at the continent. There literally weren't any trees in sight. I looked again. There were some trees someway far toward the north-west of the continent. But that was the only place where I saw trees. The continent was deserted. Either that, or there just weren't any dragons out at this time.
    Does anyone even live here though?
I shook that thought off and looked around. Well, clearly dragons weren't going to be the same here. I would have to find a dragon to lead me to the nearest beach to the west. Where in Pyrrhia that would lead me to, I don't know. But if I have to guess, it's probably the Ice Kingdom. And I'd like to avoid Snowfall. She's not very...fond of NightWings.
    I definitely have to find someone. But where would I look?
    I stared again at the north-west of the continent where the only trees were. If the tribes were at least a little bit like the ones on Pyrrhia, there would probably be some dragons by the jungle.
    That's where I have to go. But I'll walk. Who knows if these dragons are mean or nice? I'm already taking a big risk meeting up with a dragon near the jungle. I can't take any bigger risk. I can't be spotted in the air. This. Is. How. I'll. Get. There. I started moving at a slow pace, frequently glancing up at the air to check for dragons.

    A while later I stopped to rest. How far away was this thing? Honestly! If I could see if from like, the middle of the continent, why was it soooo far away?
    I also needed water. There wasn't any around here. Now I really had to find something. I was also hungry. Just as I was thinking that, though, a small goat came running out of the grass. It wasn't a mountain goat, just a goat. I lunged for it and grabbed him. I ate my fill. Still, no water.
    I don't find water soon I'll have to drink this blood. It was like the thing Moonraiser called a "Vampire", which I'm sure isn't real. But either way, I wanted to avoid drinking blood. I shivered at the mere thought. I sniffed around. No fresh-smell. That meant no water. I sighed. I glanced up at the sky once more. There still aren't any dragons. I could fly...
And I did.

    As I soared around the air, I felt right at home. Except for the fact that there were no trees to fly around, vines to grab and swing from, and flowers to pick. Sure, I was a NightWing, but I was born in the rainforest! I learned how to basically be a RainWing just...less suntime loving.
    Finally I found water. It was actually pretty close to the jungle. That was good and bad at the same time. Good because it meant dragons. Bad because it meant dragons. (That was NOT a typo by the way)
    When I finished drinking, I hesitated before starting toward the trees. Then I stopped and blinked. This was NOTHING like Pyrrhia. I couldn't believe my eyes.
    A dragon with two leaf shaped wings and green and some gold scales stared at me. Her scales were pale green and fading to a darker green on her tail. Speaking of it, her tail had what looked like a leaf on it. Her eyes where beautifully dark brown. Her horns were almost flat, like a leaf. Her wings were, I could tell, slightly transparent.
    A dragon of the Lost Continent.

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