Trapped: Part One

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     I was trapped and there was nothing I could do about it.
   That was all. Just trapped. Casually chained to a pillar with my neck itching very much, thank you. Wings bound casually to my side.
    There really was nothing I could do about it. I woke up one day to find can pain? I'm guessing I was hit over the head because I was waking up as my captor dragon-napped me. Or something of the sort. Turns out my captor was a RainWing named Chameleon.

    Just then, said "Chameleon" walked in.
    "Good," He said. "You're awake."
    "Good," I replied. "Your brain is working."
     Chameleon waved this insult off as if it was a fly. That was insulting. Definitely. I snarled at him and blasted fire to where he was standing, but of course, the lava was too wide for my fire to make it to him.
    "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." Chameleon said. I snorted. He wanted me to waste my breath so he could muzzle me. Ha! Did he think I was--

    Next thing I know I wake up with a muzzle.
    I'm furious too, the fact that he managed to tranquilize me. With what? I look down and notice a small object on the floor. I pick it up, and on closer examination, I realize it's a tranquilizer dart from the rainforest.
    Of course, I think, growling. He's a RainWing, his tribe literally MAKES the stuff.
    Chameleon reenters, this time covered in burns. I know what's coming next.
    He starts to carve out some places around the lava, flying so it doesn't singe him. I'm hoping to the moons it does. The lava flows into place, but Chameleon takes out a bucket full of lava anyways. Clearly he just used the tunnel to the Night Kingdom and got some lava from the volcano.

    When he's done digging and filling, he smiles proudly at his handiwork and looks over at me. I bare my fangs as best I can through the muzzle. He laughs and exits the room, entering again (it's really getting on my nerves, all this entering and exiting) with some food. He tosses the meat over to me and camouflages so that when he pulls off my muzzle I can't shoot fire at him. This annoys me, so I growl and pick up the deer, saunter over to the pillar, as close to it as I can get, and I eat the deer, slowly chewing. As soon as I finish, Chameleon muzzles me again. Then he flies away, leaving a note dangerously close to the lava.
    I want to know what it is, but I don't want to burn. I decide to put all my doubts aside, though, and inch closer and closer to the lava.
    When I get there, my chain doesn't let me make it much farther. The note is just out of my reach. I kick and tug on the chain, but the more I strain with it, the shorter it seems to become. I growl determinedly and stretch my forclaw out...and I have it. I read the note, dropping it almost as soon as I finish. I won't let him get it.

    I'm sure you're wondering why I've brought you here. Well...
    I want, no, I need information on the dragonets that stole the scroll. You were the closest one. Plus, you are an animus. I must get this. You must not know why.

    There was just one problem though.
    Animus magic didn't work anymore.

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