Chapter 29

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Hearts pounding.
Breathing in, and out.
In, out. There easy. Only a dream. Only a nightmare.

I looked to the side, to see someone sleeping next to me.
Their chest rose and fell slowly.

Who was this?

Oh... Ha.
Silly me. It's just Connor.
My boyfriend of 4 years.

Aww. Look how peaceful he looks, with his red hair, and pale skin.

I reached over, and grabbed my phone.
That was some dream.

Peter Pan?.....I haven't seen that movie, or read the book in years....

I bit my lip. Was I trying to tell myself something?

The dream seemed to last forever.... A few months...but that's crazy Alanna. It was only one night.

Was I insane? Could my mind be playing tricks on me.

Maybe I should tell Connor in the morning....or not. He wasn't very good of a listener.
He only cared about himself at most times....

A stuck up ass is what he is....

Am I coming to my senses, or did my dream make me realize something?

Was I moving on from Connor? Should I break up with him, and look and see what the world has to offer?

Whatever....that can wait until morning.

Slowly, I began to fall back asleep.


Lighting ripped across my vision, cracking through my skull, sending pain down my back.

"Why Alanna? Why did you wake up?" Pans voice echoed around my head. "We could have been so happy. If you never ever woke up. Come back love. Join me."

I screamed. But the air was still and silent.
My voice wouldn't work.

Pain spread through out me.

"That's right Alanna. Join me. You are almost there." His sweet voice wrapped around me, telling me to follow.

I could see his outline, right in front of me, so close I could touch it.

I reached out.

Fire spread through my veins, and I felt his grip tighten on my hand.

"Now. All you need to do is let go." He purred. "Let go of whatever is tying you to this world. So we can be happy."

I swallowed hard. "H-happy?"

"Yes love. The happiest place on earth." I could see him smile in the darkness. "You are too pure for this world....too good....."

I nodded. "T-too good."

"Ready?" I felt his arms around me. "3...."
My heart started to slow.
The pain faded.

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