Socks x Joocie

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Another request by Elephant_toothpaste! Hope y'all enjoy it!!!

"TBH, come to security with me!" Meme yelled as his among us character danced from side to side.

"Meme! Are you cheating on me?" Socks teased as his character slowly walked up to Meme's.

Joocie knew it was just a joke, nothing but a game. But he couldn't help but feel a small sting.

What did Joocie expect anyways? Socks rarely ever talked to him, he was mainly with the rest of the group.

It's not like Joocie could blame Socks either. Joocie never really went out to talk to Socks much.

Whenever Joocie was near Socks he'd start feeling nauseous, and he'd start to panic. Joocie was always afraid he'd say or do something wrong.

So he never went near Socks.

Ok, maybe it was pathetic. But what was he supposed to do? He'd rather be Sock's friend instead of his enemy.

"Hey Joocie, you should come with ME to security!" Socks yelled over the chatter in the game.

"I- okay." Joocie agreed as he followed Socks, TBH, and Meme to security, the land of love.

Joocie stepped inside, mentally panicking, hoping he didn't say or do anything wrong.

The doors behind him closed. The room went silent for a second, but than there was two laughs.

Meme and Socks. Socks killed Joocie as Meme killed TBH.

Joocie sat behind his screen, horrified. He thought that maybe Socks actually wanted to spend time with him, but it was really just part of this game?

Dino and Nadwe were outside of security once the doors opened. They reported the bodies and got both Socks and Meme kicked out.

"Another round?" Laff asked everyone.

"Sorry I-I've got to g-go." Joocie replied, trying not to let his emotions overpower him. He winced upon realizing he stuttered.

"Oh, okay. You good?" Socks asked.

"Fine." Joocie answered before getting off of the discord call, leaving his friends in confusion.

Joocie sighed loudly as he leaned back in his chair, raising his knees up to his chest.

He sat silently, mentally cursing himself. I'm so stupid! Why would he like you? I haven't even held a real conversation with him since the stone age!

Joocie felt tears form in his eyes. He sniffed as he looked up, trying to hold the tears in.

A loud ringing interuppted his thoughts. His phone.

Joocie reached over to grab it, he winced once he saw it was Socks.

Do I answer it? No, he'd be able to tell I was crying! But I can't ignore him!

Before Joocie could pick up his phone the ringing had stopped.

He had missed the call.

Tears began to spill out as he layed his phone back down. Joocie remained in his chair, not wanting to do anything. The only noise being his soft sobs.

Joocie fell asleep, crying in his chair that he had never moved from.

He was soon woke up by his phone chiming. Joocie grumbled as he rubbed his eyes, still a little emotional over everything that happened.

He had a voice mail, from when Socks called him. Joocie picked up his phone as he clicked play.

"Hey Joocie. I'm just worried about you, you sounded a little upset when you left the call. Are you okay?"

Joocie sighed as he looked at his notifications. He had several missed texts. All of them from Socks.

SockBoi: Joocie, I'm worried about you!

SockBoi: Please call back

SockBoi: Are you ok?

SockBoi: Don't make me come over there!

SockBoi: Joocie you're scaring me

SockBoi: Please respond!

SockBoi: I'm coming over

Joocie looked at the texts, smiling over the fact that he did care.

But that's when Joocie realized he had texted that an hour ago.

The drive from his house to Sock's was only thirty minutes. Maybe he just got stuck in traffic?

It was plenty reasonable, traffic could sometimes get really bad.

But it was also doubtful. Not many people travel on Tuesdays.

Joocie began to get worried and decided to call Socks.

Joocie sat still as the ringing continued. No answer.

Joocie called again. Still no reply.

Joocie began panicking. The number of bad things that could have happened were endless.

That's when Joocie got a call back. It was Socks! Joocie picked up his phone, relieved.

"Hey Socks!" Joocie cheered enthusiastically.

"Is this Joocie?" A woman asked from the other line. Joocie froze.

"Y-yeah what happened, what's w-wrong?!" Joocie replied.

"Socks got into an accident. He's at the hospital." The lady replied in a neutral tone.

Joocie froze in horror.

"H-he what?" Joocie asked. But that's when he realized the woman had hung up on him.

Joocie dropped his phone horrified by what he just heard. Joocie quickly grabbed his keys as he ran towards the door, racing to the hospital.

Joocie was on his way, near a busy street. Still speeding to get to Socks, but than somebody sharply turned in front of him.

Joocie's car crashed into his, at full speed. The other guy got out of his car clearly angry.

But Joocie was slowly going unconscious. Reality slowly slipped away from him.

The next time Joocie woke up, he was on a hospital bed, being raced to an E.R.

"Joocie! Joocie, your awake!" Socks cheered from beside him.

Joocie shifted his head, offering a small smile to him.

Socks had a broken arm, and a couple other bandages spread around his body.

"Joocie, please stay with me! I love you!" Socks begged.

Joocie was so tired, he didn't even process what Socks had said.

Joocie woke up again, this time to a light beeping sound. A heart monitor.

"Joocie! Please never do that again!" Socks said as he attacked Joocie with a hug. 

Joocie smiled, offering a weak wave to Socks, who in return kissed him on the cheek.

"I was worried about you." Socks said as he hugged Joocie tighter.

"I was worried about you!" Joocie replied with a small chuckle.

Just then things started to fade to Joocie. Everything started to turn dark as the heart monitor began to beep faster and louder.

"Joocie! Joocie, I love you! Please don't leave!" Socks begged in-between tears.

"I love you too." Was the last thing Joocie managed to say.

1049 words. I'm running out of ideas lol. Well hope y'all enjoyed! Till next chapter peeps and have a great night!!!!

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