Socks x Laff

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Hello and welcome back to the book! This is a ship request from JedGeneral! Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!!

Socks looked over at the loud noise. It was just Blaza and Meme fighting over the last piece of pizza, again, but he couldn't help but laugh.

They were at a rather nice pizza place. Kind of weird that a pizza place would be classy, but it was. The place had opened about a week ago, but Socks had never been, so he decided it would be fun to go with a couple of friends.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Blaza asked Socks as he took a bite of the pizza. Blaza had won the fight.

"Nothing much." Socks replied.

"You two almost ready to go?" Socks asked.

"Yep" Blaza replied as he shoved the rest of the pizza in his mouth.

"Alright let's go pay." Meme said as he stood up.

"It's fine, I got it." Socks said as he walked over to the front.

As he walked over he saw a man standing there waiting.

"Hello! You ready to pay?" He asked as he stood up taller.

"Uhm, yeah." Socks said as he began to dig through his wallet.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh, yeah! I didn't get to eat much of it though, but that's what happens when you take your two hungry friends to a nice place." Socks joked as he handed the man his card.

"Oh, well you should come back here soon, I'm not going to brag, but we are the best pizza joint around!" He replied as he swiped Socks card, then handed it back to him. Socks blushed a little. Why did he blush, who cares, this guy was really sweet.

Socks smiled as he took his card back.

"Ready to go?" Socks asked as he walked towards his two friends that were currently fighting with forks.

"Oh, uhm yeah!" Meme replied as he dropped the fork.

They all began walking towards the door, Socks looked back, waving at the mystery man before leaving the building.

"Alrighty let's go!" Blaza said as he jogged towards the car.

"Shotgun!" Meme added, running to the front seat. Blaza just groaned as he opened the door to the back seat.

Socks laughed as he got in his car and started it.

"So, uhm, who am I dropping off first?" Socks asked, knowing that this would probably end in another war.

Blaza and Meme just glanced at each other.

"Rock, paper scissors, shoot!" They both said at the same time, Socks just laughed at how much they were acting like children.

Later once Socks got home, he couldn't stop thinking about the man at the diner. Socks didn't know him, he just knew that he was sweet.

Socks smiled thinking of what he said. You should come back here soon. Maybe Socks would?

The next day at about noon Socks got in his car. To go where? To the pizza place.

He didn't live that far away from the diner, so it didn't take long to get there. Socks parked his car and got out as he began to walk inside.

He made it inside and the first thing he heard was a farmiliar voice.

"Took my advice, did ya?" He asked looking at Socks.

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