Chapter One

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Chapter One

My hands roamed around on the ground for something else to throw at his retreating figure. I snatched up a pencil case and threw it at his head. He spun around as I began laughing. I stood up and dusted off my jeans as he stormed towards me. I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms as he stopped in front of me. 

"Next time you knock someone down you should apologize," I stated with a smirk. His face was clouded by a storm of annoyance as he looked down at me with those terrifying eyes. 

"You wish little girl," he replied. His tone was dangerous and mocking but not intimidating even if he meant it to be. After the life I have had very little intimidated me anymore and, unfortunately for him, he was not one of those things.

"The only thing that's little here is your brain," I retorted. I could feel everyone staring at us but I didn't care. I didn't care who he was or how much power he held, basic manners should be used no matter who you are. Knocking someone down was rude and he was a jerk who needed to be taught a lesson. 

"You have no idea who you're messing with Red," he whispered menacingly. I grinned with amusement as his anger grew. In my extensive experience the less annoyed you were when arguing the more annoyed the other person got. 

"Red?" I snorted. "That's the best you can come up with? Seriously? Even I thought you could do better than that."

"Do you know who I am?" he growled out. I stepped forward and tilted my head back slightly to meet his eyes as I grinned. 

"Well no duh. I have known who you are and what you're like for a year you blockhead. Things as ugly as you are never easy to forget," I replied. It was a lot of fun to torment him. Though I didn't hate him my life was a lot more entertaining if I pretended I did. The rivalry gave me something to do while I wasted away at the boring school all day. 

"Oh yeah? Then who am I Ms. Priss?"

"You're Damon Lancaster, leader of the Fire-Hawk gang. You are eighteen. You don't like school. However, you do like keeping an eye on any potential females you can have. You are currently dating Alexis Carmichael, the daughter of the principal. In addition, you have a side girl named Taylor Petry. Shall I go on Damon?" I taunted. He glared then stormed off, but not before telling me to watch my back. 

"Sophia you are crazy!" my best friend, Victoria, whispered as she walked up to me. She looked like she would wet herself while I remained confident and collected. As we walked down the halls I knew confidence radiated off me and most people would leave me alone because of it. The more confidence, not cockiness but confidence, you had the more intimidating you would appear to other people. It was a lesson I had learned quickly. When you were confident people left you alone.

"Perhaps," I admitted with a smile. I smoothed down my red hair and walked into class. As I slumped into an open seat I noticed who was in front of me sleeping. I really couldn't blame the boy for sleeping. Our teacher was old, boring and a history buff. If you took a look around the room you could see ten kids with their heads down. Many more were tapping away on their gadgets. The only ones that were paying attention were the nerds of the class. I sighed before turning my attention back to Damon. A plan began to form in my mind as I watched the sleeping brunette in front of me. 

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