Chapter 19

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After that long night in April and Adrian's hospital room, Lavender was still asleep in Adrian's bed and April in Adrian's arms, however Adrian was up early finishing up one of the last books on his shelf. Adrian had mixed feelings about the night before, it all felt really strange, he had never beat someone up that way, but he was glad Lavender was okay and that he gained her trust. Deep inside his thoughts, he thought of a million things he could have done differently but going back in time is impossible, he had to own up to what he had done and tell April everything, the only way their relationship can work is if they were honest with one another.

April wasn't really asleep, she only had her eyes closed, she felt nauseous and her head was spinning, it will pass she thought to herself just like it always does. She opened her eyes and tilted her head up, she saw Adrian, he was everything she had fallen in love with, him and his book was her favorite view.

" Good morning, gorgeous." Adrian looked at her and smiled, he grabbed her chin and brushed her lips with a comforting kiss.

" Ohhh, well good morning to you too!" she sat up.

He put his hand around her shoulder: "I know I don't say this much Ace, I love you, so much, always."

" Ah Adrian, I love you too, always, you don't have to say it I know you do, but doesn't hurt to hear it once in a while though." she smiled and kissed him again.

He placed his book on the bed and got up.

"Where are you going?" April pouted her lips.

" I'm going to go make us a cup of coffee so we can talk about last night, before Lavender wakes up, she doesn't have to always be reminded by what happened, plus we need to tell each other everything no secrets." he then turned around and started the coffee machine.

April trusted him even more after that, he was willing to talk and communicate easily, she only had to give him time and it felt like a breath of fresh air. A few minutes later Adrian came back.

" A small coffee, milk, no sugar for the lady, and a large black plain coffee for me." Adrian announced.

" Okay so what happened, spare no detail."

" First off, it was really heated, I had never done that before, I never knew I could actually, when the fighting was over I told him a few words and I don't think he'd ever come back I really don't know."

" Okay so you're telling me, you fought a guy and you threatened his life, it's like I don't know you!" she sounded serious.

" Ace I had to-".

April cut him off:" I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you did what had to be done and it's okay, I mean Lavender is okay and you're okay and that's all that matters."

" I also have to tell you something else Ace, when I was walking back inside, I think I saw Jayden run out of the hospital, I tried to catch up, but it was hopeless."

" What do you mean you saw Jayden running out of the hospital." she thought he was being sarcastic, or cracking a joke.

"No like I actually saw her walk out, I called out her name, but she kept running." Adrian added.

April dropped everything that was in her hand:" I need to call her I'm a terrible friend, Adrian- Adrian where's my phone, WHERE IS MY PHONE." April was now yelling, she had completely fallen out of contact with her best friend, and she couldn't reach her.

" Here, here it is." he handed her phone to her, It was right next to her but she was to stressed to see it.

She called again and again and it went to voicemail 36 times, Adrian counted, at try 37 April gave up and fell back into bed.

"Ace you're doing everything you can, there's nothing more you can do to-" Adrian tried to reassure her before he was cut again.

" I could have done so much more if I wasn't stuck in this room 24/7, it fells like I'm never going to leave this place." tears started rolling down from her eyes, her face buried in between her legs, she was done, everything was out of place.

Adrian couldn't say much, she was right, she's stuck, they both were for god know when, but at least they had each other. He held her and hugged her tightly.

"Everything is out of place I know trust me, but you know they say it gets worse before it gets better, and besides it's just you and me, you and me against the world Ace, forever and always." Adrian knew those words weren't going to solve any problems but he hopped they would make her feel better.

" You and me, I like the sound of that." she wiped the tears off her cheeks, and got closer to him.

The rest of the day, Lavender and the couple hung out, they brought food and binged a few episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, it had recently become April's favorite show after Adrian forced her to watch the first few episodes. Lavender eventually got sick of them at noon:" Yeah, I'm done third wheeling for the day, see ya." and she got up.

" No come on stay, this was fun!" April insisted.

" It was but I need to go take a shower and sleep in my own bed tonight, Adrian's bed, not so comfy." she joked.

" Very funny Lavender." Adrian shoot back sarcastically.

Adrian then got up and walked Lavender to the door:" Can we talk outside?" he whispered to Lavender.

April thought that it was very strange, what was something he would tell Lavender and not April.

He chatted with her for about 5 minutes, he was doing weird gestures with his hands, and the entire conversation just felt off. When they were done Adrian came back inside.

April was not the jealous type but like what was that, she had to ask:" Adrian so, um what- what were you guys talking about- out- out there?" she mumbled.

"Ah it's nothing important Ace." he smiled.

" Uhh, what we literally just had this conversation." she was confused.

" It's nothing like that, Ace just relax." he then smirked.

April felt off the entire time, what had happened didn't sit with her quite well, millions of scenarios were running through her mind, yet she stayed silent, and mentioned nothing, not even a concern to Adrian.

It was now 10 pm, the lights in the hospital were off, it was awfully quiet, April was asleep on her own in her bed her laptop still playing the FRIENDS theme song on a loop. Adrian got closer to her and gently caressed her hair.

" Ace, time to wake up." he said calmly.

" What! It's the middle of the night Adrian, what the hell!" she was agitated.

" The night has barely even started, you're just lazy that's all." he joked.

She grabbed her pillow and hit him in the face:" You really think you're so funny sometimes."

" First of all, I am, second, grab a coat I got a surprise for you..."

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